The movie ended, your parents got ready to go to bed and start the week with a nice amount of sleep. Now you were in a silent dark house, alone with your thoughts about that trip to visit your cousins. You didn't feel like sleeping at all, even if the night before you slept terribly, so you took your phone from the desk, the pair of earphones next to it and wanted to either listen to some music or watch some videos on social medias. But, like you were now getting used to it, your phone was loaded with notifications. Opening the chat app and clicking on the first conversation without even caring who it was, you were ready to pass half your night online with your friends.


see, i told you since the first day

your clothes are so damn strange


what? i wasn't dressed strangely today...

tbh, i never dress strangely

it's called style


going around in a corset?

then it's a strange style


wait what

it's wasn't exaclty a corset...

but when did you see me in that?!

i was going to hu ao


and i was going back home from the music store and saw you going back too

a blonde girl dropped you off



why didn't you talk to me?



you wanted me to?


to think i even bought ice cream to a guy that doesn't even say "hi" when he sees me down the road


oh fucking archons, i'll do it next time if you have to sulk about it

btw where did you bought those ugly ass sunglasses?

just so i know what store i should never step in


not telling you

just so you might actually step in it


fuck you


swear word number 4

you're swearing less today

what's wrong?


nothing is wrong with me

"i don't belive you" (scaramouche x fem reader) a genshin impact fanficWhere stories live. Discover now