two, she then found history.

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Mavis hummed a little tune to herself, a fraction of the Bluebird Variation, as she set the timer for the bread rolls in the oven while the kettle finished boiling on the stove.

"Ptichka." Her familiar flew in through the window. It had a thick accent and the appearance of a songbird, a common starling. "Are you awaiting guests, Ptichka? As I flew, I spotted a car of guests headed this way from beyond the neighborhood."

"Of course, Medley," Mavis chuckled. "I already anticipated Raven's little crew would come. You saw how she ran out of Benoit's, right in the middle of her tea."

"I see your precognition is doing it's usual work." The songbird perched on her shoulder. "Could I set the coffee table?"

"By all means, Medley."

The starling had an unusually large amount of strength and grace, daintily picking up teacups and saucers with its talons, flying back and forth from the cupboard to the breakfast nook.

Soon enough, Mavis followed, the tea kettle floating alongside her, covered in faint, multi-colored hues, as if the kettle was being carried by rainbows. The kettle was set down on the round, blackthorn coffee table, with a white tablecloth blanketed over it. The seating area around it was covered with seating cushions and pillows. A slender woman sat in the corner of the nook with a teacup and saucer on her lap, soon asking why Mavis was preparing all of this.

"The Trollhunters," Mavis smiled. "Returned, my lady."

"No need to call me that, I assure you. Those days are in the past."

"It suits you."

Mavis knew the woman a bit well. She'd visit on occasions to check in, especially after she found out that the Pale Lady would soon escape. It'd be best to not prevent her from escaping, the woman would claim. She'll get banished again, and that will be that. Besides, the woman continued on, getting a bit of vengeance would do her good, perhaps. The Pale Lady deserved it after the actions she had performed.

The woman disappeared into mist, just as Mavis suspected that the vehicle full of eccentrics was close by.

The woman disappeared into mist, just as Mavis suspected that the vehicle full of eccentrics was close by

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

chapter two, she then found history.

"OKAY, TURN RIGHT at Gate Drive. There's an apartment complex right around the corner. You'll notice it easily; there's spiraling stairs up front, beside a pair of trees."

𝐔𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐗, trollhunters/3belowDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora