Your at the place!

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Well this is the place! I got everything I should need. Well I should get inside so I don't waste my time.
"Welcome! Just kinda do what you want. Just don't cause havoc, okay?" Said Almond. I sure won't! "Okay, now that YOUR here, LET'S WATCH SOME PUNISHER PUMICE!!" Said Peridot excitedly. Okay, Okay. Might as well watch. "Hey...SOMTHINGS MISSING!!" Said Peridot. "What is it? Nothing seems wrong to me." Said Almond in a confused voice. "There's no Candy and Drinks!!" Peridot Exclaimed in a grouchy sort of tone. Well I'll get the snacks. I know that they won't take their eyes of that screen.
I got the stuff yall wanted!!
"Now this is now PERFECT." Peridot said in a exited voice. "We didn't really need em', But at least we got something to fill us up." Said Almond. I'll sit on the sofa. I mean I can't stand up forever.
Hm? I feel somthing under me...wait a minute...DARN SNACKS! "We're on a sofa eating snacks! What did you expect? A squeaky clean sofa?" "Peridot! Be nice." Said Almond, making a tiny arguement with Peridot. Sigh, Well do yall wanna go to sleep? "Fine...I am a bit sleepy." "Could we at least finsh Punisher Pumice tomorrow?" Peridot added to Almond. Sure! But let's go to sleep.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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POV: You Hang out with Almond and PeridotUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum