08 | 𝐂𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐌𝐞?

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3rd pov

On that day, Beomgyu felt something snap within himself. He's been.. off lately. But of course, the others didn't notice. They didn't even know Beomgyu well enough to tell what kind of behavior is 'off' for him. They've been living their peaceful lives while Beomgyu is drowning in the shadows. Being suffocated by the darkness inside of him. Hearing the voices of his inner demons. Letting them take control of him.


Today.. just might be their last day..

Beomgyu sat up in his bed when his alarm went off, already awake due to the lack of sleep. His sleeping habits have gotten worse. From getting roughly 4 hours of sleep each night.. to almost none.

He tiredly lifts the covers off of himself and makes his way to the bathroom.

When he steps in front of the sink and looks in the mirror, he's not even surprised by what he sees. He's just accepted it at this point.

Not only is there his tired and pitiful reflection, there's also one of the now five various animals he's been seeing. Where did the fifth come from you ask? It appeared after the group's little hangout day. A little brown bear. And it's sitting on the side of the bathtub.

His connection with the animals has presumably strengthened since he's now able to communicate with them.

"What do you want now?" Beomgyu says in an annoyed tone, a bit fed up with the frequent interruptions.

"Well that's not a very nice way to talk to your best friend," The tiny bear says, a grin growing on his face succeeding in making it undeniably creepier.

Now Beomgyu's getting annoyed, "Quit teasing. What do you want from me?"

"Know what we should do today Gyu? We should paint a wall."

"This isn't a part of the usual selection of activities," He says, partly relieved, but also curious as to why it's suggesting such.

These now 5 animals have been working Beomgyu to the core. Making him do random tasks throughout the day. But not like the regular activities such as visiting places, or going shopping. The tasks are quite peculiar, and most just downright cruel. Things most people normally don't think of doing. They've been encouraging socially unacceptable behavior onto him. Each day he's slipping more, and he's been really trying not to.. but it's hard. They don't really give him a say in anything, only giving excuses like "You'll be needing to know how to do such things in the near future."

It snickers a bit, "What's wrong with a bit of change?"

"N-Nothing," Beomgyu says, unbelieving to it allowing him to do something so calm.

"You know what's so good about us being best friends Gyu?" The bear says, a bit sudden.

"I never said we were best friends.. What?" Beomgyu questions, saying the first part under his breath so the small bear couldn't hear.

"This." It replies.

Then it disappears.

He's confused for a moment, wondering about what it's talking about, but Beomgyu's eyes widen slightly as they travel to his reflection and he sees his eyes turning from their regular deep and chocolatey brown color to an unusual strawberry color.

Beomgyu suddenly feels choked, and his eyes cloud with tears. He feels his body go weak and he drops to his knees unable to breathe, on the verge of passing out. Black dots start to cloud his vision.

Until suddenly, it stops.

The dots dissipate and he's able to breathe again. Using the sink for support, he slowly stands back up.

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