Arriving pt2 and Meeting other Mommas and siblings

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(A/N: I'll probably fast forward through the siblings part. Montana has around 27-28 wifes and an equal amount of kids.)

As Koneko wraps herself around me, she hisses at Cheshire, "Issei is ours, back off knockoff neko." Cheshire smiles nicely, "I understand that, but I was only being silly. I hope we can be friends." Stella walks over and tries to pull Koneko off of me while speaking to Cheshire, "Of course, though I think koneko feels like you're trying to steal Ikki away from us like his past." Cheshire nods and starts moving as my harem "I see and I apologize for any problems I caused nyah" Koneko finally let go of me but kept a wary eye on Cheshire. Dad clears his throat "Well everyone let's go see the rest of my wife's and children." Everyone agrees and we start walking towards a luscious looking garden. As we do we pass girls of different ages, all of them either saluting or bowing towards Dad, greeting him as either commander, shikkan and Kommandant. We finally reach the entrance of the garden and the noise of several kids playing and the soft chatter and laughter of women. As we get closer to the sounds, there are around 25 women chatting around a large table. And in nearby opening there around the same number of girls that look like the women at the table. Dad clears his throat "Ladies I'm back and I brought some guests and a very important person too." They all stop chatting and look at me. I start to shy behind Mom. As I do Mom bonks me on the head, "Nuke, they're not like those idiots back in Sakura. Now say hi!" I step back out from behind Mom "H-Hi I-I'm N-Nuclear E-Enterprise b-but y-you c-can c-call m-me N-Nuke." As soon as I finish speaking 6 of the women dash over. Four have fox ears and 9 tails. One of them has brown hair, ears and tails with red eyes, another one has the same color as the first but with purple eyes, another has white hair, ears and tails and blue eyes and the last one has sandy blonde hair, ears and tails. The one with purple eyes speaks "Don't be shy little Nuke, we're just really happy to see you back here, I'm you momma Amagi." I nod and the one with red eyes speaks up "You were just a little kit when you were taken, I'm your momma Akagi." I nod again and the one with blue eyes starts to talk "We all held you at least once before you were taken, you're very special since you're the only other male ship aside from your father. I am you momma Kaga." I nod and the one with the sandy blonde hair speaks up, "We were all frantic about you being missing. I personally wanted to sail to Sakura and demolish a city with my full firepower, I'm your momma Yamato." I nod and give each of them a hug though momma Akagi nuzzles me. "You loved it when you were smaller." I nuzzle back and momma Akagi squeals in delight. After momma Akagi sits down, the other two women approach, both having black hair and dog ears though one has hers close to her head and the other one has hers perked up. Both are in white naval uniforms and carrying a katana each. The one with perked ears greets me first, " Hi Nukey, I'm your momma Atago, I'm looking forward to spoiling you." I blush at her nickname for me and give her a hug. After momma Atago, the other woman looks at me sternly but a little softly, "Nuke, Enty told me what you said and told me about your punishment." I speak up, "I'm guessing you're momma Takao." She smiles and nods "I'm displeased at what you said but I can understand how you felt." I nod and give her a hug. After hugging my Sakura Empire mommas, they go and sit down while momma Illustrious and five other ships stand up from the table and walk over. Momma Illustrious looks at me "So this is the reason you and Enterprise took off, Monty. We thought that you two had decided to have some secluded fun." Dad sheepishly rubs the back of his head while Mom nearly turns as red as Rias' hair. She then looks at me, "Hello Nuke, I'm your momma Illustrious, it's good to see you back where you belong." I nod and hug her, and suddenly blurt out "Back when I was 'living' with those idiots I had a poster of you, I always imagined that you were as nice as you looked." She smiles and pats my head, "Of course I am, a royal lady should always be polite and i will help teach you to be polite too." One of the other ladies who has a similar hair color to Mom but is wearing a maid outfit looks at me. "Hello little one, I'm your momma Belfast, your fathers second wife after Enterprise and biological mother of your sister Little Bel." I nod and a pale blonde woman with a bust a bit bigger than Rias steps forward shyly, "Hi Nuke, I'm your momma Formidable, sister to your momma Illustrious." She bends down and holds her arms out for a hug and I reciprocate it. After she moves off to the side of Momma Illustrious, another woman steps forward, she's blond and is wearing an outfit similar to what women in Greek mythology wore. "Hello little champion I am you momma Victorious another sister of your momma Illustrious. You're very brave to stand up to your bullies." I nod and give her a hug as well. The next woman is blond and is wearing a fancy dress with a shawl the looks like the flag of Great Britain, "It is good to see you returned safely to us Nuke, I am your momma Hood, I will be helping your momma Illustrious teach you how to be a proper gentleman. The final woman in the group approaches me, she's blonde with a red military like uniform with a short cape and a sword "Hello Nuke, I'm your momma Prince of Wales, I'll be helping your mommas Takao and Atago teach you swordsmanship." I nod and she and my other Royal Navy mommas sit down. As soon as momma Hood is finished adjusting herself four more women stand up. Two of them look similar to Mom. One has a similar hair color to mom's while the other is blonde with twin ponytails and a cowboy hat. The first one looks at me, "Hi Nuke, I'm your momma Yorktown, your mom's older sister." I give her a hug and she goes to sit back down, while the blonde steps forward, "Howdy Nuke, I'm your momma Hornet, your mom's younger sister. It's good to have you back home." I hug her and she goes to sit back with momma Yorktown. The next two women step forward, one with golden brown hair and the other with black hair. The one with black hair speaks up "It's good to have you back Nuke, I'm you momma Baltimore. I can't wait to help you train for UA." I nod and give her a hug and as she goes to sit down and the woman with golden brown hair speaks up " Hi Nuke, I'm your momma Brooklyn, I'm glad you're back." She gives me a hug and I reciprocate it. After momma Brooklyn sits down four women stand up and walk over, one looks like momma Bismarck but with white hair, blue eyes and a white uniform, the next is a tall woman with black hair and red horns on each side of her head, the one after her has silver white hair with a streak of red in while wearing a militaristic dress that shows off her figure, and the final one has waist length white hair. The first woman introduces herself relatively quietly, "Hi Nuke, I'm your Mutter Tirpitz sister to your Mutter Bismarck." I hug her and notice she feels like the cold side of a pillow. (A/N Mutter is pronounced Mu-ter.) The second woman approaches me and looks at me with a smile, "Hello Nuke I am your Mutter Fredrich Der Grosse, I can not vait to see vat your symphony of destruction is like." I smile and hug her and she reciprocates it. The third woman gets closer and pulls me into a hug, "Vell iznt it a surprise zat ze only other male ship has hiz vaters taste in women. I am your Mutter Prinz Eugen und I'm glad to zee you back where zu belong." The final woman of the four approaches me, looking somewhat stoic but also happy "Guten Tag, Nuke, I am your mutter Graf Zeppelin. I vill be teaching you along with the rest of your mutters how to be a carrier." I nod and hug her and she hugs me back with a smile. As Momma Zeppelin sits down the final four women stand and approach. Two of them look like knights while the other two look like privateers. The first one to reach me has red hair, " Bonjour, Nuke I am your momma Richelieu of the Richelieu class of battleships." I nod and give her a hug. She hugs me back and returns to her seat. The next woman looks like a privateer, "Hello Nuke, I am your momma Jean Bart of the Richelieu class of battleships, it's good to see you again." I nod and hug her and she turns to leave leaving the other two women to introduce themselves, the first one is dressed like a privateer as well but with silver hair, "Greetings Nuke, I am your momma Dunkerque of the Dunkerque class of battlecruisers. I'm glad to see you returned to us safely." I hug her and she returns to her seat as the final woman approaches me. She has silver hair but is wearing clothes similar to momma Richelieu, "Bonjour, Nuke I am you Momma Algiere of the Algiere class of heavy cruisers I can't wait to watch you grow up." I nod and hug her as well as Momma Roon calls over my half siblings. I immediately notice who they look like and give each of my half sisters a hug with Zeppy, Fredi and Lil Bel clinging to me afterwards. As the rest of my moms leave with my half sisters with mommas Belfast, Zeppelin and Fredrich practically pulling my sisters off of me, Mom, dad my fiancé's, their parents and I all head to the cafeteria for lunch. As soon as dad walks in the entire cafeteria stands at attention as dad sighs and speaks up "Ladies I have told you that doing that is not necessary." As he finished talking a girl with pale purple hair and one eye speaks up, "It iz tradition zu recognize the Kommandant venever zey valk into a building." Dad nods "I get that Scharnhorst but it's annoying, anyways after chow there will be a meeting at the amphitheater so I can reintroduce my son along with introducing my future daughter-in-laws and their parents.Pass the word along to all the others who aren't here" After Dad finished speaking all the girls in the building give out varying calls of acknowledgment. Mom heads over to a cart with trays and silverware, "Come on, my baby boy, let's eat, I know those quirkiest people didn't feed you properly." I blush at her calling me her baby boy but I don't want to fight it and make her sad since she had to deal with me being gone for 10 years.

Next Chapter: Introduction to the fleet and training
Future chapters: Back in Sakura, UA and First day

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