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Chapter 901 I Suddenly Feel Like a Fool

Tan Mo could only try her best to ignore the pressure that Wei Zhiqian's gaze gave her. She braced herself and sent a voice message to Qin Muye.

"I just... At that time, when I saw Brother Zhiqian, I would get nervous. I couldn't look him in the eye. It was similar to... afraid that he would find out my feeling towards him. Something like that, I guess."

"When I saw him, I would blush, I just..." Tan Mo wanted to say that she would feel hot all over her body, but now that Wei Zhiqian was here, she was too shy to say it out loud.

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Moreover, she was not thinking of dirty things. At that time, she still didn't understand these things.

Unlike now, she had become a veteran of lovemaking

"Even my ears are hot. I feel like I'm not myself anymore in front of Brother Zhiqian." Tan Mo said softly.

Although she knew that Wei Zhiqian could hear her no matter how soft her voice was, she still subconsciously lowered her voice.

Wei Zhiqian lowered his head. Although he could only see the top of the little girl's furry head, he could still picture it in his mind.

The little girl must have a crafty look on her face right now, and she seemed a little guilty.

Her big eyes must still be shining with a dazzling light.

"I was also stuttering when I talk. I want to get close to him, but I don't dare to," Tan Mo said in a low voice, "However, when Brother Zhiqian gets close to me, I'm secretly very happy. I want to be close to him all the time. I want to keep holding his hand and touch his arm like that."

"As long as we're together, I want to be close to him all the time." Tan Mo said.

Gradually, he also ignored the fact that Wei Zhiqian was beside her.

"Also, I really like the smell of Brother Zhiqian's body. I think it's really good. No one can compare to it." Tan Mo giggled.

The smell of perfume alone was not as good as when it was sprayed on Wei Zhiqian's body.

Now that she was in Wei Zhiqian's arms, what she smelled was not perfume. It was just the smell of Wei Zhiqian's body shampoo after he took a shower.

It was the same kind of body shampoo that she used, but Tan Mo still thought it smelled great.

Wei Zhiqian used a body shampoo with wood fragrance. Tan Mo used to like the smell of flowers and fruits, and it smelled sweet. But now, she preferred to use Wei Zhiqian's wood fragrance body shampoo.

To be exact, she liked to use the same fragrance as Wei Zhiqian.

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No matter what shampoo Wei Zhiqian used, she liked it.

What she liked was that she had the same scent as Wei Zhiqian.

Tan Mo giggled and said, "I want to use the same scent as Brother Zhiqian. Whether it's bath cream, shampoo, or perfume, when you use the same scent as your lover, you have a very intimate feeling."

Qin Muye's face turned redder as she listened, and her heart beating faster.

Tan Mo had said that she was 90% accurate.

She didn't dare to look at Ming Yeqing in the eye as well. If she was close to him, her heart would beat faster.

But if she was far away from him, she would want to get close again.

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