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Chapter 191: Bad Intentions

"At least I think if she doesn't have the time and energy to do all three things at once, it will affect her performance. From what I can see, Tan Mo is doing really well just dividing her time between her major and Professor Guo's research team. It proves that she can do both together," Shen Jingyi slowly explained. "But if she were to join us and got tired from doing all three things together, which one would she prioritize? She might focus on our research first because she just joined us, so she'll have to sacrifice her time with her studies or Professor Guo's research. Or, she might think that since she just joined us, she won't have to put much attention here at first.

Shen Jingyi paused and closed her eyes, trying to hide her intentions before continuing, "Either way, isn't it bad if she can't focus on the things she is doing? She will basically be wasting the team's resources and time. It's pretty unfair for those who are completely focused on the research. Of course, I'm not implying that Tan Mo would do that to us. It's just that no matter which side she chooses, it will never be fair."

Professor Zhao turned to glance at Shen Jingyi, and it made her anxious for a second before she quickly calmed herself down.

She knew that what she'd said made sense, and there was nothing for her to be nervous about.

Professor Zhao diverted his gaze as he laughed to himself.

After living for more than half a century, the professor could immediately tell what Shen Jingyi was trying to imply.

All he could do was blame himself for not spotting that side of her when he recruited her.

"So, you are against Tan Mo joining my research team?" Professor Zhao questioned her.

"N...no, of course not!" Shen Jingyi quickly shook her head. "I would be honored for such a talented person as Tan Mo to join us. I'm just worried she would choose to focus on other things than this."

Professor Zhao had already learned about Tan Mo's exceptional memory from Professor Guo. The only thing that they didn't know was that she actually had a photographic memory.

Yet, just from how well Tan Mo could remember things, Professor Guo had concluded that Tan Mo had enough energy to join Professor Zhao's research team as well.

Naturally, Professor Zhao had thought of the problem that Shen Jingyi had just raised.

Yet, rather than worrying Tan Mo would favor her studies or Professor Guo's research, he was more worried that Tan Mo could wear herself out, that she would sacrifice her rest so that she could do all of these things.

For a growing girl like Tan Mo, that was the worst possible thing that could happen to her.

That was why Professor Zhao had gone to ask Professor Guo for his opinion.

Professor Zhao didn't give Tan Mo the questions until Professor Guo had assured him that it would not be a problem for the 15-year-old girl.

The two professors were rivals in that they had both been trying to get Tan Mo onto their research teams, but since Professor Guo was sure that Tan Mo could handle the workload, he decided that it was fine for Professor Zhao to have her as well.

He believed that the decision would benefit Tan Mo a lot.

"I see." Professor Zhao smiled. "Why don't we ask Tan Mo herself?"

Just as Shen Jingyi was wondering when the professor would invite Tan Mo over, he turned to the door and said, "Tan Mo, come on in."

Shen Jingyi could not hide her surprised expression when she heard that.

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