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Chapter 881 How Would I Know Such a Thing

One would experience this period of youth.

He would also become mature in the future.

Qin Muye liked youthful vigor, and he had it now.

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Qin Muye the maturity and wiseness, he would have in the future.

"However, since you've confirmed your feelings and you like her, then don't wait until you're sure that she likes you." Tan Mo said, "According to how slow Muyue is when realizing her feelings, if you don't express anything, I'm afraid that even when you're 70 or 80 years old, you won't be able to wait until she's sure of her feelings."

"Of course, there's no need to really wait until she's 70 or 80 years old. Maybe her family will introduce her to a blind date. The probability of true love appearing on a blind date is relatively low, but it's not impossible. If her family really wants to introduce her to a blind date, then the person definitely can't be bad. From looks, ability, character, and family, they would definitely select carefully before introducing him to Muye."

"What if Muye meets someone she thinks she likes? She feels satisfied in every aspect of the other party or maybe someone liked Muye and started to pursue her? Muye is so cute, she would definitely be able to attract the other party at a blind date."

Ming Yeqing: "... Are you really not here to rub salt on my wound?"

Tan Mo: "Up to you on how you want to view this. I'm just analyzing all kinds of possibilities with you so that you don't only know how to wait. You have to take action."

Tan Mo: "You have to learn how men flirt with girls!"

Ming ye Qing: "... Is there a book?"

Where else could he learn from?

Tan Mo: "I think Brother Zhiqian is quite good at flirting with me, I'll let him teach


Tan Mo: "Even if Muye only treated you as a friend before, you can still make her fall in love with you."

It was such a happy thing for two best friends to become a couple. Not to mention that Tan Mo felt that Qin Muye liked Ming Yeqing.

Tan Mo: "Moreover, you can't be like before, keeping your boundaries as a friend. This will make Muye more and more accustomed to being friends with you, and the longer it lasts, the harder it will be to change."

"You two are childhood sweethearts, this is supposed to be an advantage, but it will also become an obstacle for you." Tan Mo said, "So, you have to change the way you interact with each other, when it's time to be closer, be closer. Of course, this is not to let you take advantage of Muye!"

Ming Yeqing did not know whether to laugh or cry, "What kind of person do you take me


Tan Mo saw Wei Zhiqian coming out of the bathroom and hurriedly said to Ming Yeqing, "I'll ask Brother Zhiqian and ask him to teach you. Hold on."

Wei Zhiqian's hair was about 80 percent dry and still had a little bit of moisture, but it did not affect him.

In any case, the two of them were not in a hurry to sleep.

Wei Zhiqian went up to the bed, he took out the remote control and pressed it, lowering the projection screen and activating the projector.

Taking advantage of the time when the projector was activated, Wei Zhiqian heard Tan Mo ask, "Brother Zhiqian, what tricks do you have to flirt with girls? Teach Ah-Qing."

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