23 | The national hospital of Copenhagen

Começar do início

'I'm sorry.' I write.

'I kissed someone too, you don't need to say that.'

'We're fucked up, Skye..'

'Well let's be fucked up together then.' is her reply. And I smile again.

Then I write a quote I heard from somewhere, 'I'm not a freak, I am just freak-ish.'

By then our conversation glided over to less sore subjects like Evelyn snarky comments on Instagram, to Patrick constant hair whipping. It kept my mind of the fact that my brother is dying.

Copenhagen is a small city compared to many others, but it has culture like no other. Most of the buildings are old with beautiful carvings and green bronze roofs. Though the sky is always grey and the wind always brisk, the place is beautiful.

But I don't take the time to take in the surroundings; I rush to the hospital, not bothering to check into a hotel or anything at all. I take a cap, even though they're very expensive in Denmark and head to the national hospital, where I know my brother is kept.

The world is sort of a haze, I know if I stop and think, I'll lose it. I'll cry like a baby and that won't help anyone. Not yet. I need to see him. About ten minutes from the hospital I get a text from my mom.

'Doctors say he is stable. But he is still in a coma. '

I don't reply, I just pocket the phone and wait the last ten minutes before I quickly pay the cabby and sprint into the foyer of the hospital. I head to the counter where a slightly chubby, but pretty nurse with blond hair and blue sat in her nurse white clothes.

"Where do you keep Sam Bower? I'm his bother."

"Third floor, room 34b." she tells me giving me the kind 'nurse' smile.

"Thank you," I say and head for the elevators, get to the third floor. I walk swiftly in the directions the signs direct, then suddenly out of the blue, the sigh appear. Room 34b.

The door is closed.

A couple of nurses pass by me. An elderly wheels by in his underwear.

I feel nauseated. Like my non-existent dinner could suddenly make a rerun. I am shaking all over, not knowing what I'll find behind the door.

He is stable Jamie. I try to calm myself. Nothing has happened yet.

Then I press down the door handle and walk in. My mother sits by the side of the bed slumped in a chair. My father sit's a little farther away at the end of the bed, he is sleeping too. They look exhausted.

At last my gaze settles on my brother. He is pale tugged neatly under the covers. His blond hair is spread out in a halo around his face. He looks peaceful, like he is just sleeping. I notice the cast on his right arm and his covers seem bigger at his legs then they should be. He has probably broken about every bone in his body.

The room has white walls with a yellow steak going through the middle of it and the floors is linoleum there's a sink by the door, the only other things in the room is the chairs which my parents are sitting, a table, a turned off TV and my brothers bed. The curtains are drawn.

"Jamie?" it is my mother's groggy voice, she was lifting herself up from the chair. I notice her looking at my brother out of the corners of her eyes, just to check if he's still out. Hoping that he wasn't. "You're here." she says.

"I am," I answer, "What do the doctors say? Will he wake up?" I talk quietly.

My mother leans back in her chair with a heavy sigh, "They say he got badly hurt, broke a lot of bones. He is nearly in a full body cast. But he only got a concussion, no damaged to the brain or the spine. They say that eventually he'll wake up, just a matter of time. How much time, they don't know. They say it could be everything between a day, to a week."

Looking for trouble | Vol. 2 | Jamie Bower fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora