Purification of the dark

141 3 4

(Germany's point of view)

"Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon to you too, Glacier."

I was sitting at my desk in the shared room while Russia took a nap, on the floor, I might add. Glacier knocked twice before coming in, only going as far as a few steps in before Russia's splayed limbs got in his way.

"You have your first official assignment today. You must listen to an interrogation and let the investigators know when the suspect lies." He instructed as he lightly pushed his foot against Russia's leg.

I nodded and got up from my chair and pushed it in. I stepped over Russia and followed Glacier out of the door.

As the two of us walked through the winding hallways, I decided to ask some of my questions.

"Who will the investigator be?"

"A friend of mine, his codename is Sword. I don't believe you've met."

"Who is being questioned?"

"I can not say. You will find out during the interrogation."

"I just have to say when they lie?"

"I believe you will sit in and tap your foot against Sword's foot. I don't think you will be allowed to speak. Now, please, no more questions. Many will be answered when we reach the interrogation room." Glacier's voice held an edge at the end; he did not expect a response.

So I followed him in silence for the rest of the way there. The room was on the floor below the main building, and just down the hall was the entrance to the jail. Guards paced through the prison's hallways, and even more stood by doors lining the walls. Many were most likely more interrogation rooms.

The hallway was darker than the main floor walkways. There were no windows, just the lights that lined the upper edges of the walls. The ground was rough and a dark gray. Small bits of dirt lined the corners where the wall met the floor. And while there was room in these walkways, only 4 or 5 could walk side by side. After the 4th time of having to move out of the way, I just stayed behind Glacier.

While the guards that passed us did not flinch or scowl at my identification badge, I could feel them stare. Their job was to keep people like me contained, and I'm sure it peeved them to see me in the same hall as them, and something about that made me want to grin and giggle at their misfortune.

Glacier takes a sudden right turn into an open door.

The room is the same gray as the outside hallway. There is a metal table in the center with an overhead light that shines an uncomfortable yellow tint over top of the cool gray. Three chairs surround it, two on the door side and one on the opposite side. One of the two closer chairs is occupied. I recognized this man, as he had been the angry-looking person in the room when we asked Glacier for a paper and pencil all those days ago.

"Sword, this is Germany, the one they said you would work with." Glacier addresses him. He then turned to me, "Germany, this is my friend Sword that I mentioned. He will be in charge of you for the day and will inform you of the procedure." And with that, Glacier left.

The door swung shut behind him, and the two guards in the room took their spots by the door. 

"Come here, sit." Sword's voice is deep, much like Glacier's. But Glacier has a softer edge when he speaks. This man, however, does not hold back his annoyance at being here.

I take a seat beside him at the table. The chair's metal is cold, and as it moves, the chair makes a horrible scraping sound across the rough ground below.

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