A-head of the game

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(Con's point of view)

"Your Honor, the members of the Jury find the defendant guilty."

Guilty. I'm going to be killed for a crime I didn't commit. This wasn't how I planned to go, I had always thought I'd die saving people from rubble after a tainted attack, only to collapse from exhaustion. I thought I'd die a hero, not a villain. My breath was speeding up, this couldn't be right.

The judge broke the pen nib off, the sound echoed through my mind. "Members of the Jury, this Court dismisses you and thanks you for a job well done."

He broke the nib. He signed that cursed paper. It's a done deal, I'm going to die.

I stared at my hands. They were in large restraining cuffs that covered my fingertips all the way to below my wrists. Chains connected to the bottom of the cuffs and looped around the desk and were anchored to the floor. My feet were bound together by a similar set of cuffs that were directly connected to the floor. I couldn't run. There was no escaping, I'm not going to get away.

I looked up and turned my head to where the Jury members were standing up and leaving. Anyone who looked back at me scowled. They believed I had attacked my brother, they thought I was tainted. They were fools. They just went along with everything those damned investigators said. I tried to say we were attacked and Ame pushed me out of the way, but no one believed me. They all said I was lying. Apparently, they got statements from my family beforehand and from what Canada said, I had, "Rudely awoken my brother and made him follow me onto the roof where then Canada and Dad only heard Ame scream." And the grip marks I made on Ame's wrist when I grabbed him didn't help.

Maybe he'll wake up soon and tell them something to stop this, was what I thought as my feet were freed and the chains removed. I was escorted away from the courtroom. A blindfold was wrapped around my eyes again. They did this when we were walking outside or anywhere really, guess they didn't want me to know where I was. Guided up and down some steps and through winding hallways, or that's what I thought they were, I was back on that stupid truck. It was always the same one too. There was a loose screw to my left that I could feel anytime I moved my head, as well as the loud hum that filled my hearing anytime it was on and moving.

In all my life, I only ever heard of one public execution happening. Apparently, Ame had witnessed it. He didn't come out of his room for the next few days other than to grab food or go to the bathroom, and even then, he'd only leave once at like midnight. When I asked dad about it, he said it was a young adult female with a light power. She had 3 kids, two of which were found to also be tainted and were sent to prison. Her youngest son now stayed with the Cleanser foundation for trainees. I'd never met him, but my Brotato chip (My new nickname for Ame.) said he was one of his classmates. I couldn't for the life of me, remember his name.

I slumped down to my best ability, all the chains and restraints were bothersome. I just wanted to think about anything but what was going to happen. Are they going to make Mom and Dad watch? Am I really going to die? Am I leaving Ame, forever? I shook my head like an etch-a-sketch, got to erase the no good thoughts. I let out a deep, saddened chuckle. I could feel tears prickle at the corner of my eyes, but I refused to let them go. I needed to stay strong, Ame's going to wake up and tell them they're all wrong.

(Greenland's point of view)

Being the neighbor of Confederate and his family, I can see their house pretty well. So when one or two nights ago I briefly saw the twins on the roof, I was a bit curious. All I remember seeing was Con grab Ame and then some little lights went flying around and then rushed back at them. Ame fell off the roof and Con slid after him.

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