Chapter 23

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This chapter contains violence


"Put the gun down Reina" Nikolai scoffs.

"Why should I?" I ask.

"Because you shoot me your causing a war, plus your acting childish over a stupid fucking mistake" he says.

"Your right it was a mistake, but that's not the reason I'm acting out, do you not recall our little fight just now?" I ask feeling a little dizzy.

"I was just trynna push you till your anger came so I can see what your capable of" he shrugs.

"S-Seriously?" I ask slurring a little.

I didn't drink that much, plus I was feeling fine.

"Boss, you okay?" Fallon says still aiming at his friends

"Y-yea, im just uh feeling a little funny" I chuckle as I lower my gun.

That causes Nikolai to push off the car and walk towards me.

"Reina? Your starting to sweat and it's freezing out here" Nikolai says walking closer.

"I um, I uh" I can't think straight.

"Rein, what did you drink?" Jacob asks from behind me.

"Just my usuals" I say almost falling down but I catch myself on the car.

"Guys she's about to faint" Alina says worried

"Levi go see what that bartender did to her drinks and quick" Nikolai says.

"Im not feeling too good" I say and once I turn around to face everyone all I see is darkness as I feel myself falling.


"Shit!" I yell as I catch Reina cold sweating body.

She's looking pale.

"FUCK! Jade!" I yell for her as she comes down panicking as everyone surrounds us.

"How did you guys get here?" I ask.

"We took her car while the boys all drove in jacobs" she says as she looks at her pale passes out friend.

"Okay take her car and drive it back I'll take her back and while your at it call her parents or yours" I say as I lift her into my arms standing up and getting ready to put her in my car just as Levi comes out.

"NIK!" Levi yells out as I turn towards him.

"She was drugged" he says making me angry.

Who the fuck drugged her?

"Find out who and if it was the English there going to wish they didn't" I say as I lay her in the back seat.

"On it ilk meet you back at the mansion" Levi says heading towards the boys.

I still have to deal with Alekski.

I look back at her as I'm driving back and she's still sweating.

Damn it.

I don't even know why I fucked her, or got mad if she was going to fuck Alek.

Once we arrive I carry her inside and lay her on the couch as her parents came rushing in.

"What happen?" Her mother asks as she feels her forehead.

"She was drugged" I say as Cassidy hands her a cold wet cloth.

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