Chapter 15: Hazel

Start from the beginning

"This is amazing." l complimented her, my eyes still stuck to the walls of her room.

"Thanks. Those are from a long time. It's not the same anymore." Her tone was sad. She was trying to hide her pain.

Just then, I noticed a guy in many of her pictures. There was a Polaroid of him kissing her neck while she made a silly face at the camera. He had jet black hair, a strong jaw and what looked to be azure eyes. He was a good looking guy.

"Who's this?" I blurted out.

I felt her presence beside me.

"That's Jayden." She paused. " My ex boyfriend and Maya's -"she stopped as her eyes welled up.

Shit. Don't cry. I don't know how to deal with crying people.

"Dad?" I supplied, cautiously.

She nodded.

"It's funny, you know. Everything is so perfect and suddenly, one mistake changes everything."

I didn't know what perfect was.

"Jayden and I met in high school. Dated till senior year. He was so perfect. He was the best thing that had ever happened to me. You know, sometimes you meet someone and you immediately click? Like, for no reason. Y'all just do." She stuffed her hands in the pockets of her pullover.

I nodded. I still don't know what' click' meant. Perks of
having no friends for my whole life. I guess now, Chaeyoung and I clicked.

"I'm sorry." She gave a teary laugh, wiping at her eyes. "You don't need-

"No it's fine. I know what it's like to keep it all bottled up.
Repressed thoughts are never good. You wanna talk then
please do, Haze." I encouraged her, my mind wandering to how relieved l'd felt that night on the rooftop with Jisoo. Letting it all out felt amazing. Jisoo...My mind suddenly snapped to the day his fingers and my pussy became best friends. Cue nessecary thigh clench.

Now is NOT the time. I scolded myself more.

She smiled at me. "Thank you, Jennie."

I smiled back and waited for her to speak. "So...He was
perfect. My family accepted him. We were like the 'it' couple you know? I loved him so much. In senior year, we decided to have sex. It was a mutual decision. We both were not rushing into anything and wanted to take things real slow. He always told me he loved me for me and that he will wait for me. Well, long story short, I got pregnant.

"It was like a realization time for me. Everyone I thought cared for me, turned their back on me. Everyone abandoned me. I lived in a small town so the news of my pregnancy spread like wildfire. My best friend called me a slut." She laughed wearily at the end. I clasped her small hand into mine. I squeezed it and she gratefully smiled back.

"Even my family. Mom kicked me out. Jayden told me to
abort it. But l just couldn't do it. No way was I killing an
innocent life. Jayden left me too. He told me to and I quote "Fuck off." That day, my whole world came crashing down around me. That was the day I realized that I was living in a dantasy and when l dropped back to reality, it was a slap to my face. "

"I lived in a motel for a few months. I had money. Courtesy of dad. When he died, all his money came to me. Then I realized I was done moping. I had to leave that town. Everywhere I went, I heard people gossiping and giving me disapproving looks. My whole environment felt toxic. Coming to New York was an impulsive decision. Luckily, Gordon took me in." I
smiled inwardly, glad that my apartment was given to this strong woman.

"And you know what upsets me the most? Jayden was not affected at all. No one kicked him out, he didn't lose his friends, he didn't have to quit college. He was still the popular guy. I was the one who got shit. As if all of this was only my fault." an angry look cast over her tired face and she glared at her trembling hands.

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