Chapter 3: Final Efforts

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Silent in the dark of her tent, Flann awoke in tears. She had been dreaming of her family trapped in the Sea of Flames. She looked around, expecting to see Walgen, but he was no longer at her side. She remained there for several minutes, waiting for the tears to subside. The flap of her tent was opened, casting a ray of early sunlight upon her.

"Rise and shine, dear Flann. Morning has come." said Walgen. He noticed that she had been sitting there.

"Oh. Have you been awake for long?" He said, then paused. "Have you had nightmares again?"

Flann nodded. Walgen entered the tent and comforted her in the still darkness.

Once they emerged from the tent, their ears were filled with sounds of construction: hammering, straining, commanding and directing. Repairs had yet to be made to some of the buildings that had taken damage during the attack, and now that the repairs of the wall were well underway and reinforcements had arrived, the carpenters deemed it safe to get to work. Flann and Walgen hurriedly found a fire and prepared their morning rations.

After their meal, they tracked down Caron among the milling workers – legionnaires, luxurite soldiers and workers alike. He had been treating some of the wounded from the battle that had taken place a few days prior to their arrival, but he was currently grabbing supplies in one of the bigger tents. Many had been badly hurt during that attack, and there had been too few skilled healers to tend to them all.

"Good morning," he blurted while piling bandages in his arms, "I am quite busy at the moment. I need some alcohol to treat some wounds. Could one of you fetch some from the general store? Our supplies have almost run out."

Flann volunteered: "I will. Where should I bring them?"

"To the inn, please. Thanks, my dear."

Flann found the general store without difficulty; it was one of the two largest wooden buildings in this part of the village and was one that was currently under repair. On her way there, she overheard Kemp speaking to a few vanguards, including an armour-less Ragnhild, and some scouts.

She slowed down to listen, when a scout said: "Spotted a rogue headed east, Cad'der."

"For goodness sake," exclaimed Kemp, "speak well and clearly when reporting to your commanding officer. What rogue?"

The luxurite scout was visibly offended, but he said nothing of it. He made a visible effort as he pronounced: "We spotted a Maledicti rogue headed to the east, Cadleder. Seems to be wandering, but we know better. It must be headed for Stilshor."

Kemp frowned. "A rogue Maledicti?"

"Headed for my home village?" interjected Ragnhild.

Kemp gave her a sharp sideways glance, but remained silent. Ragnhild noticed, but took no heed of his displeasure.

"Yes. 'twas a lone demon. Much taller than those we've seen before. Looked like a nasty bugger," elaborated the scout.

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