Chapter 37

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"Sapnap, he's over here." George said, running over and shooting the player. Sapnap came in and revived George, who was shot down by two people.

"Is Dream gonna join or not bro?" Sapnap asked running over to a new building to loot out. George turned around and looked behind him to see Dream fast asleep. The bed was just barely out of frame, although you could see a little bit of the right side of the bed.

"He is sleeping." George said, turning back around. Sooner or later, George found himself getting more comfortable talking and the two began being really loud. Loud enough to wake someone up if they were nearby.

"G-George?" Dream yawned, his voice low and croaking from just waking up. George turned around and waved at him to he wasn't ignoring him. Dream sighed and wrapped a thinner grey blanket around himself, slowly walking to George.

He put his hand on the side of George's headrest and spun him around so he was facing him. George furrowed his eyebrows, confused but froze when Dream put his leg on either side of George's waist. He put his legs through the armrest gap and let them a hand around the back of his chair. His head just sat on George's shoulder while he hugged him tightly.

"D-Dream, I'm live!" George squirmed to get out of his grasp but Dream didn't budge. He looked up slowly with his eyes half-lidded and kissed George repeatedly. George rolled his eyes and passed it off as him just being needy and tired.

"Awh, couple things."

"Don't even." George scolded, putting Sapnap to a silence. Nervously, George averted his eyes to chat, seeing all sorts of messages about how cute they were together and how they were going to edit it later on. George decided to carry on playing, despite having Dream on his lap, probably sleeping. Once the duo had died, Sapnap informed George he was going for a piss, leaving him with Sapnap's live and his own live,  face cam on with both the lives so they could see everything.

"So, how are you guys...?" George broke the silence as he waited for the game to start as he was still in the lobby.

"George, I'm bored."


"Can I show them this?" Dream asked, showing George the photo they took in the flower field.


"Because you look pretty here."

"No, I don't." George ignored Dream and picked up his phone. Thankfully, Sapnap came back in time for the next game to start.

"I love you." Dream random blurted out.

"Dream, stop." George bit the inside of his cheek. Dream noticed how flustered George was getting. Dream looked at chat but decided it would just be funnier to see how George would react.

"George, tell me you love me. I know you love me. You love me and I know you do."

"I don't." George lied. It was so obvious he was lying, you could see it in his eyes and his body actions.

"So when we made milkshakes together and sat on the couch together to cuddle while watching a movie, you didn't love me then? Or the time we were editing a video and you came and said on my lap while drawing? Did you not love me then?" Dream teased. George hit the mute button and turned off his camera.

"Don't tell people that! They'll assume things happened." George watched Dream snigger and hold back a laugh.

"So your not asexual then?"

"Now isn't the time to discuss whether you want to fuck me or not." George jokingly scoffed and unmuted, leaving Dream the one in shock this time. For the rest of the stream, Dream kept his mouth shut, still flustered.

"I'm going to go now. Bye, everyone!" George ended the live stream and look down at Dream, who was waving goodbye as if they could actually see him.

"I look into demisexual by the way."


"I am."

"Now we can fuck."

"Now you can stop making me embarrassed."

"Will you please reconsider?" Dream teased.

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