Chapter 45

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It been a month since Melody was born

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It been a month since Melody was born. Sam finally got over his issue with Mason when he came home one day from patrol and saw the two giggling at each other.

It is only a few days until Thanksgiving, so today Emily and I are going shopping for this pack of wolves we need to feed. As her and I are walking around the store, we have to carts full of food.

I round the corner to the freezer section and see Charlie. Well fuck. I do my best just to mind my own business and get what I need but unfortunately that doesn't happen.

"Hi Ariel." He says.


"I never really got the chance to apologize to you for the misunderstanding with Bella. I shouldn't have listened to her." He says.

"I am aware of that, but you did it anyways." I say.

"I know it is a lot to ask but the Cullen's left town and well Bella is depressed and I cannot get her out of her room. Could you maybe come over and try to help?" He asks.

I look at him like he is crazy.
"No. I will not step foot in that house. Your daughter and ex wife have done nothing but cause problems in my life. I am not about to help her out when she has done nothing but be a pain in my ass from the beginning. If she has problems then get professional help. Don't come crawling to me." I say walking away from him.

After Emily and I finish shopping, we head home. They boys came out and helped us unload all the groceries. The whole time of unloading and going over to feed Melody, I couldn't help but have a feeling something bad was going to happen.

All afternoon the feeling never went away. Emily was cooking dinner for everyone tonight since I was doing the main Thanksgiving meal. The rest of the pack and I were in the living room relaxing when all of a sudden I hear a whisper

"Ariel Ocean"

Trigger warning!!⚠️
What the hell. My flash my eyes blue and the calling of my name happens again. I instantly know it's Rachel. Something must be wrong.

"Sam watch Melody. I'll be back." I say and teleport out of the house to Rachel's location.

When I appear in front of her, I look and see I am in a bathroom. I move my eyes towards the ground and see Rachel in nothing but a ripped tank top and panties. Her arms and legs are bleeding from scratch marks and bruises are already starting to form.

"Rachel what happened." I say softly.

"Momma, h-h-he k-keeps-s hurting me. I didn't want to have sex and he tried forcing himself on me." She whispered out.

Suddenly banging on the bathroom door started happening and Rachel screamed.
"Come on Rachel. Baby I love you. Just come out and have sex with me. I promise it will make us closer and it'll show me you love me." He says.

Oh fuck no. Not to my precious girl I don't think so. I lean down and move Rachel to the other side of the bathroom.

"You lock this door when I go out understand?" I ask. She just nods her head as tears form in her eyes.

As I opened the door I am faced with a tall fuck boy.
"Wait who are you and how'd you get in here?" He asked.

Instead of responding, I swing back and punch him square in the face causing him to trip back.

The door shuts behind me and I start fighting this guy. He got a few hits in but I eventually broke his nose, knocked some teeth out and kicked him so hard in the balls he won't be having kids. I looked and saw I had blood all over me from this asshole. Once I feel satisfied with my work, I walk over to the bathroom.

"Rachel open up. It's mom." I say to her. She unlocks it and cracks the door. She sees the guy passed out on the floor and jumps into my arms crying into me.

"Shhhh baby. I got you. I'm here. I'm taking you back to my place okay?" I say.

She nods her head and before she can respond she passes out.
Her body must have crashed from the adrenaline rush from fighting off that bastard.

I pick Rachel up bridal style and teleport is back into the middle of the living room. It scares the shit out of the guys.

"What the hell. Ariel are you alright?" Jared asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. You should see the other guy." I say beginning to walk Rachel to the guest room.

"Emily I know you are cooking, but I need some clothing and a first aid kit. And It needs to be another girl with me when she wakes up not a guy. Please." I say firmly so she and the boys understand.

The whole time Sam is standing there on edge seeing me in blood.

"Sam baby. I'm okay. Please don't wolf out. I promise I'm okay. I really just need to take care of her at this moment." I say softly.
He nods his head in understanding.

Once I get Rachel to the guest room bathroom I lay her down on the bathroom floor. I go over and start running the bath so I can wash her body of the blood. As I take the little amount of remaining clothes off her, I can't help but let tears run down my face. My poor Rachel.

Soon Emily knocks on the door and comes in with fresh clothes and a first aid kit. She helps me get Rachel in the tub, wash her hair, and clean her body. Rachel starts to wake up and begins freaking out.

"Rachel hey hey. It's mom. It's okay you're safe." I say softly holding her face in my hands.

"Where am I?" She asked.

"You are back at mine and Sam's house. I brought you here after everything." I say.

"Yeah, I...I remember you saying that." She says.

I give her a small smile.
"Alright sweetie, Emily is going to help me get you out, and get your cuts bandaged up okay? We brought you some fresh clothing of mine is that okay?" I asked.

"Yeah momma it's fine. Thank you for saving me." She says with her voice cracking.

"Anything for my girl." I tell her kissing her head.

We get her tried off, bandaged up, and dressed.
"Come on let's get some food in you. And there's some people that wanna see you and a very special person I want you to meet." I say to her.

We make our way downstairs and she stays behind me with her hand gripping my hoodie I changed into.

"Guys, you all know Rachel. Please be nice and make her feel welcomed." I say.

Paul soon rounds the corner carrying a cup and he looks up and sees Rachel.

"Rachel" he says softly and falls into a haze. He drops his glass and it shatters everywhere. Once he came out of it, he had tears in his eyes and backed away slowly until he left the room.

"He imprinted on me didn't he?" Rachel asked. I nodded my head at her. Pulling her close.
"Even when fates and the ancestors want us together, he still doesn't want me like I do him."

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