Chapter Nine

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There was a knock on my bedroom door, I knew it was Dan. I set down my laptop and said "Come in." he shyly opened the door. "Hi..." he mumbled. "Hello, love." I responded, unsure how he would respond to the name I used to call him all the time, "What is it?" he walked over to my bed and sat down next to me. "I, uh, I just wanted...I wanted to apologize." he said while looking down. I didn't say anything. "I've been kind of a jerk the past couple weeks...and I'm sorry. I guess I did overreact. I should have just listened to you...I mean everything turned out alright. I just. I...I miss you, Philly."
I don't even know how to respond to this. He ignored me for several weeks and now is saying that he misses me? I don't know what to feel or think.
I sigh, "Dan..."
"Please. Can you forgive me? We can just go back to normal. Everything will be okay. I...I love you, Phil. I always have and I always will. And I can't live my life without you right next to me."
I feel tears forming in my eyes, I guess that's all I needed to hear. I decided not to say anything and instead hug him. I buried my face into his shoulder and silently sobbed, although he probably knew I was crying. He rubbed my back while whispering how sorry he was and how much he loves me. I grabbed him tighter and pulled myself as close to him as possible, I haven't been able to even really talk to him in so long. I missed this. After what felt like forever I had finally stopped crying and I pulled away from him. He looked at me and it looked like he had been crying too. I stared into his beautiful brown eyes. Slowly I leaned forward and rested my forehead on his. We remained like this for a bit before Dan gingerly leaned forward and softly pressed his lips against mine. I placed a hand on his check and he wrapped his arms around me. I missed him more than works could ever express.

After several hours of cuddling, watching anime, and just catching up on all the time we missed with each other, Dan suggested something.
"So..." he started, "since they all know about us now...maybe we should do some cute video. I bet they'd love it. Like the boyfriend tag or something."
I smiled, wrapped my arms around him, and cuddled into his chest. "That's a great idea, bear. We can get on that tomorrow."
"Okay" he said, kissing me on the head.
A few minutes later he went to get something to eat and I took this time to check the Internet, something I hadn't really done in a while. When I logged on to Twitter I saw that a lot of our fans were concerned. There were a lot of tweets asking us if we were okay because we hadn't done anything on the Internet in so long. "Hello! Yes! We are alive and well!" I typed and then tweeted. Almost instantly fans started tweeted how relived they were.
Dan returned after a little bit and brought be a mug of tea. We continued watching anime on my laptop for a while. After a few episodes I looked up at Dan to see that he had fallen asleep. I kissed his cheek before falling asleep myself. This is the happiest I have been in a long time.

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