Chapter Six

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The sound of a cup crashing to the floor followed by Dan yelling something woke me up the next morning. I got out of bed and walked to my door. I was about to open it when I remembered what happened last night. If I go out there I could try talking to him again...but he could still be mad.

I need to stop being so afraid. I need to stop thinking about this so much. I need to just walk up to him and talk to him. No matter what he says or does. If I really want to make things right this is the best thing to do.

I took a breath and walked out of my room. Dan was in the kitchen trying to clean up bits of broken glass and swearing under his breath. He looked up at me and immediately looked back at the floor. "What do you want.", he mumbled. "Don't you think you're being a little over dramatic about all of this? If you would just listen to me I could fix this." I felt bad about saying this. I never stand up for myself. I hate saying things that could make other people feel bad. He stood up and threw the last of the glass away before walking over and standing right in front of me. "No. I don't think I'm being 'over dramatic'. You were careless and let pretty much our biggest secret out. I think that's something that's hard to forgive." he spat. I chewed on my lip, thinking about what I should say next. "When you were gone those few days," I started, "I had a lot of time to think. And I might have come up with something, I deleted that video and neither of us have been on the internet too much recently. Our fans are probably really confused and maybe a little concerned. Since they obviously know that we're together now...why don't we just make a video explaining it all. I have a script written. You can fix it in any way you want. It might make things a little better." Dan looked at me and then down at his feet. "I don't know, Phil..."

I grabbed his hand, hoping to comfort him, but he pulled it away and looked back at me. "Can you just...I don't know...leave me alone for a few more days? Then we can talk about it more?"

"Dan you've had several days already to get over this! How many more do you need??" He was starting to make me even more frustrated. Dan didn't say anything to me before walking off. When he gets really mad he'll just stop talking and it's rather annoying. I groaned in frustration. I'll try again in a couple days. If he doesn't come around by then...I'll just do it without telling him.

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