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Luna Pov:Morning Mel- just like that I was snatched from my room I tried to scream out but a hand was blocking me from doing so.

"Who are you! I spat at the person. I am Aurora demartel she said bowing before me. Well what do you want from me? I said to her in an angry tone. Oh not you darling I want your dad, I hated that she called me darling only Alec can call me that, oh I hope he's okay. Well he's going to come for me and rip you apart and that's a promise. So hostile darling I don't want to hurt you unless I know that it'll hurt him, you see Klaus ruined me and now I will ruin him! She said evil but also mad, what has my dad done now?".

Hope and Klaus Pov
"Where's my daughter Melissa?, I don't know Klaus she was up here last night and her bed isn't made which means she slept in it she said scared I almost felt bad but I had to find my daughter no matter how many people get hurt along the way. Dad I can do a locater spell to find her Hope said running in the door with Freya and Rebekah, okay Hope do what you need I say to Hope in a sad tone hoping that it'll work".

"Dad it didn't work Hope says almost crying, a witch must be blocking the spell" well atleast now we know we're dealing with a supernatural which only makes it 10× harder.

"I need to find my sister" I say so I call everyone she knows which may have been a bad idea because Alec seemed furious but most of her friends are supernatural and can help in some way so I didn't regret what I did but Dad will not be happy about it, he likes to do things on his own, we'll not anymore "Family, always and forever, I will find you Luna I promise".

Alec Pov:
After the phone call i pace around my room pacing thinking about how I'm gonna tell Izzy that her parabatai was kidnapped she's going to go balistick when she finds out. I go through every single what if in my head considering Izzy and I we're the last ones to see her, I just don't know if I could live with myself if anything bad happened to her. I should've stayed with her last night or have her stay at our house I think in my head feeling that if that we're the case this never would of happened and she would still be here with me, with Izzy who i know isn't gonna take this lightly.

"Izzy I knock on her door worry clear on my face, Hey, Alec what's wrong?" She looks at me confused but also worried and scared for what I could say. "It's Luna, what?, what's wrong with Luna? Is she sick? Did you two break up? She looks at me with anger even though she hasn't gives me the opportunity to respond yet. Izzy she's been kidnapped, she's missing.

Izzy Pov:
I cry all i can do is cry thinking of all the things that could've happened to my parabatai, this can't be possible. "What do you mean she's been kidnapped little brother? I say turning to Alec, this is all my fault as her parabatai I should've made sure she was okay, I should've stayed with her last night" I say in regret towards Alec who just looks at me like he knows what I mean because he's already gone over this in his head.

"Well Alec what are we still doing here?, we need to go make ourselves useful and help find Luna, who could possibly want to take her?, there isn't a person I know that would want to take her. I turn to Alec who is bopping him legs, tears visible on his face I put my hand on his shoulder, we'll find Luna little brother, That's not what I'm scared of Izzy".

The pack Pov:
"Lunas missing, Scott says as he runs in with Stiles, what do you mean she's missing? I say, anger clear in my tone everyones already here so that saved all the phone calls. I pin Peter to the wall, was this your doing? I swear if you took Luna I will kill you!. Pretty ironic Derek considering when you first met the little tribrid you wanted her dead Peter replied back to me as I looked at him with regret, she grew on me". I would do anything to protect that little tribrid she's the only person who ever showed she cared about me and knows what happened with Paige and still doesn't think I'm a complete monster. I'm also one of the only people who knows about her past.

"We need to find her!, i walk in but everyone gives me a duh face like yea Allison we've already established this. Lydia walks in behind me and everyone looks at her in hope i mean after all she should be able to sense it, "but I think the person who's taken Luna knows who and what we all are and has blocked off any magic that can be used to find her, but once we find her it's on".

"We may not be magical beings but we will help in whatever way we can I say to the pack, yea and considering you can't really use magic anyway we could be of some use to you guys elsewhere, we should go over to the miakelson compound and see if we all could be of use there". We've known Luna just over 5 months and we knew we would love and care for her the moment we all met her she shines in the best way possible and when she first told us what she was she was scared we would be afraid of her but we were okay with it, if she didn't hurt us then she wasn't gonna hurt us now.

Where are you my favorite tribrid i think in my head as we all jump in the car to head over to the Miakelson compound I've known Luna the longest out of all these people and I know no one would ever want to hurt her she is the most loveable person ever when I first met her she helped me you could even say Luna McCall saved my life when I thought no one else would, she worried for me, she cared for me, Luna loved me more than anyone else in this world and I loved her just as much if anything were to happen to her i would be so lost she's my everything and not in a romantic way in a I can't live without her way she's my bestfriend and I refuse to do life without my favorite little tribrid.

At the Miakelson Compound
"Okay now that everyones here- just as I'm about to finish my sentence Rebekah walks in with a note, it was Aurora, Nick she's the one who took Luna, everyone looks at me as if asking who's that? And Hope looks at me fury in her eyes as if saying dad i want my twin back and that bitch won't give up. I began to read the note.

Hello I'm sure you're all wondering who i am well dearies i am Aurora Demartel and this will be made simple if you want Luna back come to my home and give me the thing she loves most oh and do consider this a warning Klaus if I get hurt so does she, so don't waste any time the clock is ticking dearies.

"Klaus how the hell is Auroura Demartel still alive!? Rebekah and Marcel question, there's no time for this i will explain later for now we need to figure out who means most to her, all of the posibilities meet in the music room in 20 minutes".

Here sat Klaus, Hope, Alec, Izzy, Scott, Stiles and Brett all of which had no idea who it was but knew that in little time had to figure out before something bad happens. "Okay state your case, why your important to Luna and your relationship to her.
Klaus stands, "I am her father and that is probably the main reason I am important to her she's my daughter and I would and will die for her on any occasion she's one of the best things in my life", he looks down at Hope holding her hand as she looks up at him smiling.
Hope stands, "Luna is my twin sister and we have our ups and downs but she is the best thing in my life she is everything to me, she has always been there for me and I will be forever grateful of her".
Alec stands, "Luna is my girlfriend, I haven't known her for as long as most of you but from the moment I met her i felt a connection it felt like I've known her my whole life and I know I would do anything for her even die" I look down at Izzy who looks like she's about to cry but keeps it together.
Izzy stands, "Luna is my best friend who is everything in the world to me as a parabatai there isn't anything I wouldn't do for her and there isn't anything she wouldn't do for me she's my everything and I love her". I've never said that word about anyone before Alec looks up at me shocked but in a living way he smiles at me.
Scott stands, "Luna is my little sister and has been for a year and 3 months now, when I met her she was in a vulnerable position and I helped her and she walked into my life and showed me light when I never knew I would need it" I say looking down at Stiles who smiles upwards at me.
Stiles stands, "Luna is my sister and I love her she knows that the moment she came into my life I knew she would be here to stay and that my life has sparkled since she arrived". I look to see Brett who looks a little nervous.
Brett stands, "Luna is my bestfriend she means the absolute world to me and with out her i would slither away, she has been there for me the moment I became a beta she was there helping me through it and I am forever grateful for her".

Freya Pov:
"Okay guys i already know who it is i just needed you all to do that so that I could see how much she means to all of you compared to what you mean to her and now knowing how much she means to you all I know that she will be happy to know that she loves you all the same way you all love her".

"Wait Freya, how do you already know?. I smile at my brother, magic brother all I need is a sample of her blood and there's a ton of it downstairs".

"So Rebekah who is it"?.

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