Helping Hand

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I was sat outside on the main street on New
Orleans crying thinking where am I gonna go?, who would help me?. I am sure Rebekah has already told everyone not to help no one would dear cross Rebekah right now. Just as I thought about giving up, A hang reached down "Do you need some help?" I looked up and was met with these big brown eyes, brown curly hair and an uneven jawline that almost made me giggle a little bit but refrained myself from doing so, I was hesitant at first but grabbed his hand as he began to help me off the ground one I was off the ground and had both feet placed on the ground he introduced himself as Scott McCall and I introduced myself as Luna Pierce I was actually a Miakelson but since my family doesn't want me anymore I should probably go by a different name to them and Hope. He talked to me for a while and asked me what I was doing in New Orleans I told him that I use to live here and he asked what I meant to which I replied "I don't really wanna talk about it" so he left it he said he needed to get back to the game he then asked if I wanted to come I just said "sure" he grabbed my hand and drag ran me to the field to which I was a bit confused when I got there all I could hear was some boy with nice cut brown hair and very uncoordinated looking yelling out to Scott from halfway across the field "Scott, Scott" I was quite confused because he didn't look like he was shouting but he was waving his arms around, how did Scott hear that?. "Okay stiles I'm here will you stop shouting, so that's his name what's a stiles?"Where have you been, we're getting schoo- he looked right at me in a flirtatious way to which I was kind of confused because Hope usually gets all the attention but anyways he looks at me and says "who's this 😉? " you two can introduce yourselves I've got a team to help". "Hi I'm Luna, and you are?, he shakes my hand" I'm Stiles, it's nice to meet you". He almost tripped over himself on the was to the bench I laugh a little. "He has two left feet" a girl with red hair says from the stands "I'm Lydia she holds her hand out for me to shake "Luna" "well it's nice to meet you Luna I love your outfit by the way. "Do you know him? I ask. "Yea that's Stiles my boyfriend. She says I almost felt sorry for the poor thing but he is quite attractive, She then introduced me to her friends Allison (Scott's girlfriend) and Malia both very pretty but there was something off about this group I just didn't know what it was yet.

The game had just finished and I congratulated the guys on their win Scott made his was over to me and I told him I should get going he just asked where I was going if I was being very honest I had no idea where I was going so I just told him I was going to see a friend and he must of bought it because he let me leave.

It started raining and I was walking to God knows where in the middle of the road and then I saw headlights coming up slowly behind me I was just about to run because I thought that someone was following me until I heard a familiar voice "Luna!, what are you doing?" Wondering who it was I look closer and see Scott and Stiles in a blue Jeep pull up right next to me Scott jumps out and asks me what I'm doing and where I'm going. Like okay dad. I just told him not to worry about it I continue to walk away and he and Stiles continue to follow me "just leave me alone, I'm fine" " no you're not, get in the car" " just go I'm fine I promise" I felt him pick me up and throw me over his should I kick my legs and he eventually throws me in the car and Stiles begins to drive.

"Why'd you lie to me Luna?" I just ignored him not wanting to tell him as he sat next to me in the jeep eyes piercing through the side of my head, I Don know why he cares so much he doesn't even know me." I told you to just leave me back there I would've been fine" he looks away and then back to me and asks the question I wished no one would ask me right now.

"What's wrong Luna?, are you okay?" I looked at him tears starting to fill my eyes "you really wanna know" I ask him almost mad that he's asked me such a stupid question he gives me a reassuring nod. "Okay, For starters I am the daughter of Klaus Miakelson and Kathrine Peirce who as of today are both dead so I am now an orphan with a twin sister who hates me because she believes as well as apparently everyone else that I killed my own parents, I just got kicked out of my own house by my aunty who told me that no one loves me and that I ruined everything I am a NOBODY!, okay", my voice beginning to Crack as Scott gently moves closer to me he wraps his arms around me and holds me as I let all the tears out the ground begins to shake as I begin to loose control.

Scott moves slightly away from me confused look in his eyes as he grabs either side of my arms with his hands I shake a little he looks me in the eyes as I'm sobbing and says "shhhh, it's okay everything's gonna be okay, okay look at me" I look at him worried look on his face I start to calm down slowly Stiles looking into the back at Scott confused.

It took a while but I calmed down and the ground stops shaking I look at Scott. "What do you know? He looks at me confused " you two know something you didn't look at me in fear as most mundanes would if they witnessed that, you looked at me with concern and worry and I want to know why?" He looks at me and continues to say "I'm supernatural too" WHAT!! My eyes widen at his confession I knew something was up but I didn't know what and now I do but the big question is what is he?.

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