"Sam, you gotta let it go because you're never gonna win against Pip here." Steve says completely deadpan, his blue eyes twinkling with suppressed mirth. The tangled ball of anxiety in her stomach unclenched a little bit more at the use of his shortened nickname for her making Jamie smile wider even more at him backing her up.

"Hardy, har har." Shocked, but pleasantly amused by his pun, Sam tosses the movies back on the table when Bucky tells them he'd already put in the pizza orders. Handing her Ally he sits on the same couch with Steve, but she noticed he kept a fair bit more distance than usual between them.

She wondered what that was about. Bucky had been a little weird when he'd joined her after his talk with Steve this afternoon, but didn't push him to talk about it seeing as she had a feeling it had to do with her. Not wanting to poke at it too much in case she was wrong Jamie went along with Buck's choice to avoid talking about it. For now at least.

"Pizzas should be here in about thirty to forty minutes, doll." Grabbing one of the beers he bought earlier that he said he and Steve drank back in the day. He acknowledges the two men as he pops the tab to open it and takes a long sip. "Did you guys just get here?"

Sam and Steve nod in unison just as the front door opens causing them all to turn to see Peter and Ned come in laden down with backpacks full to bursting. They were each dressed in their regular street clothes because they weren't about to be caught out in public wearing their pajamas on the train where classmates could potentially see them. Jumping up Jamie ran over to give each of her best friends a hug and told them to go change.

"Pizza will be here soon. You know the drill. Get comfy, we choose the first movie and then go until we drop!" Shooing them towards the bathroom down the hall Jamie turns to Steve crooking her finger at him to come with her as Peter and Ned watched her with amusement because this was the fun Jamie they knew and loved well. "Heyo Spangles, it's time to get into your pj's."

At the sound of his nickname being called the smiling blonde turned from where he was laughing with Buck and Sam to roll his eyes at her. One hand on her hip she shakes her index finger at him. "Don't give me that look, Steven! Your lack of intent on sleeping over does not excuse you from not adhering to the dress code. I'd have thought as my number one bestie for the last five years as well as a captain you'd understand that a dress code, even if it's just for a movie night, is muy importante. So let's go. Chop chop. I've got something special just for you." And she couldn't wait to see it on him.

Apparently it hadn't gone unnoticed by everyone that she'd said he wouldn't be staying because Ned, who'd been too nervous to speak to the Captain or the other men he viewed as his hero's, nearly dropped his bag in his rush to get him to tell them she was wrong. "Woah, you're not sleeping over? But dude. It's movie night, it's a part of the tradition!"

Quickly replying to him Jamie jumped to Steve's defense as she maneuvered the two younger men in the direction of the downstairs bathroom. "It's not a requirement to sleepover, Edward. Go on, I'm excited to see what movies you guys brought." This time after some protests that she ignored, she closed the bathroom door in their faces and went back down the hall. Heading over to the stairs she didn't wait for Steve to get up before skipping up them and down the short hall to her room where she did indeed have a very special surprise waiting for him.

Going straight for her closet Jamie grabbed the shopping bag she tucked away earlier before going back into her bedroom. Waiting in the doorway with his hands deep in his pockets Steve chewed on the inner part of his lower lip. Awkwardness and unsurety of what was allowed now that they'd clarified their feelings dripped off of him and she felt horrible that she'd been the one to make him feel like this. She was supposed to be someone he never had to guard himself with when he was with her. Waving him in, she was determined to try to get them to a middle ground that they both could be comfortable with. Pressing the bag against his chest she smiled up at him nodding to the bathroom. "Take this. Go get changed and you can best believe I'm not taking no for an answer Steve so get a move on." With a hesitant answering smile he did as she asked with barely a sigh. Progress.

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