Vansh's pov-

"What is this dadi, instead of saying Rohan to stop his ranting over my and Ridhima's marriage you brought me here to make me understand. Let me make you one thing very clear dadi , I will never marry her. Not only her but I will never choose any girl over Ragini and about Rohan he is still child". I said as soon as we entered in hall of mansion. I said it in a go and also with an angry tone as I will never marry her. She is the reason why today my Ragini is not with me. And I surely know that this is also some of his game plan to enter in my life again. No Ridhima once I have believed you and the cost was my love, my wife but now I can't loose my child.

"Exactly Vansh Rohan is child, he needs a mother, mother's love, mother's care, her pampering. I know you will be with Rohan throughout your life but you only tell me will you able to present at home all time? No you have work and our whole empire to handle. During this time when you are out for your work, at office or maybe at businesses tour Rohan need a mother with whom he share his every little thing. I am sorry to say Vansh, it's our Rohan who is strong and therefore he is not affected with this matter, but if there will be some other child then he/she will surely be in the trauma by now. And do you know today for first time I notice the same thing in Rohan, but somehow I make him understand and he became cheerful like always. Not for you than for your Rohan please do marriage and bring her a mother. Ok, for Ragini do these, do you think Ragini ever want her child to be mother less or cry in pain of not having mother? No , she will always want best for her child." Dadi said making me shock that Rohan was upset today for the fact of not having mom. I always tried my best to complete that void in his life but dadi is right I cannot be with him every time as being perks of Asia's number one businessman and she is also saying truth that Ragini will never want our child to be devoid of mother's love or cry over fact of not having mother. But that doesn't mean I will marry Ridhima, I will marry some other girl for my child but never in my bad dreams also I will marry Ridhima.

"Ok dadi, if its for Rohan than I am ready but I will never marry Ridhima there can also be some other girl. Till now you have seen many girls, I will marry anyone of them you like but not Ridhima." I said though I know that my this decision of marriage is not at all ok because I don't want any girl cunning like a wizard in my life again.

"No doubt I have seen many girls for you Vansh , but half of them  wants to marry you for your money, some backoff from marriage after knowing you have a child and other who are decent and good are married by now as you have rejected them earlier. Moreover, I am saying you to marry Ridhima because we all know her from a good time, we know she will never marry you for your money and she will be best mother for Rohan and even our Rohan wants her as a mother." Dadi you are saying this because you don't know truth of that lady once you got to know her truth you will push her out of these house. But I can't tell you anything.

"Ok even if I agree I don't think Ridhima will ever say yes to this marriage, I am sure she will never accept the proposal of being my wife." I said dadi the matter of fact because I know that Ridhima will never say yes after knowing that how much I hate her.

"You don't think about her she will surely day yes to this but the matter is are you ready for this? Do you want to marry Ridhima?" Dadi said making me to think my decision twice before saying anything.

"Ok dadi I am ready for the marriage." 99% Ridhima will say no to marriage by herself only and by 1% even if she say yes than I will make her life a living hell. She will regret her decision of marrying me, and will always pray to god for her better future which she will never get.

I and dadi make our way outside where party is going on we see everyone was standing on the stage only discussing something. Rohan came with a balloon and stand beside dad. Mom and Ridhima came from fountain area of the garden and as usual she is looking down and avoiding my gaze. I hope Ridhima you have chosen wisely or else be ready for the new Vansh that you have never seen.I and dadi also join everyone on the stage. I see mom say yes to dadi in her sign language, and dadi has that pretty smile on her face and by now I somewhat get idea that what it is for, but then also I want to listen it.

"So I want to announce that tomorrow is Vansh and Ridhima's engagement and day after tomorrow their marriage" Dadi said shocking everyone and everyone starts to ask her questions that how I got convinced and all but right now I am only thinking about this girl in-front of me. How can she go down this low that she get agreed to marry with me after also knowing our equations. But never mind now the game is on and believe me Ridhima it will be so much fun to break you into millions of pieces. Last time I leave you thinking you will ho and will never came back but now as you are back be ready for a tachycardia my dear best friend. I look at her with a smirk.

Ridhima's pov-

Dadi announce my and Vansh marriage in-front of everyone. I close my eyes ready to face Vansh outburst but suppository he doesn't say anything. I get ready for the marriage because this family has done many things for me and I can't say no when they are asking me something. Moreover I always fell some special bond with Rohan and I will never want him to be devoid of mother's love. And by this marriage somewhere I got new hope that maybe everything between me and Vansh will become normal. Thinking about him I look towards him to see him looking at me with devilish smirk. Oh god I am not getting good vibes from these please save me. Please help me in this decision of mine.


Holla guys,

Finally done with this. Now our Riansh journey is finally going to begin. Ridhima wants to make everything ok but our Vansh wants revenge without knowing that in future this decision of him will lead to a massive destruction. Do tell me your views about this chapter and will update next chapter soon. Till then take care byy....

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