VII - Arrival To Earth

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Narrator POV

"Pearl land this ship" Amethyst shouted.

"I'm trying, I'm just really rusty is all" Pearl returned as she struggled with the controls.

Steven stared at the panel of the makeshift ship for a moment, analyzing it and making judgment on whether or not he could control it and land them safely.

A sudden turbulent shift sends him forward, his head bouncing off a piece of the interior. This makes up his mind.

Steven moves to the pilot's seat and gently picks up Pearl and moves her, before assuming direct control of the ship.

His mechanical hand did have some extra benefit when it came to steady applications of force, and so he used it for their descent thruster control.

A beeping indicator appeared on a small screen on his left, no doubt signaling a landing spot. Steven uses this small blip and a general assessment of nearby terrain to deduce he'd need to spin the ship one hundred and eighty degrees to land facing their LZ.

"ETA to ground two minutes, might wanna hold on, we're flying through a small tropical storm" Steven says in a calm tone, comfortable in the pilot's seat.

As the ship flies through the storm heavy wind batters it, small pieces of metal sheering off.

Steven looks out the window on his right side and sees the wing falter. Taking his right hand off the more advanced landing system, he uses his gravity manipulation powers to hold it in place as long as they were in the storm.

Steven gritted his teeth hard as he pulls through the storm and lands the ship on a small plot of land on a beach.

Narrator POV - Search Party Alpha

Jasper investigated the crash site of Steven's ship, carefully searching for clues to her friend's whereabouts. Hidden franticity lurked within her as she spotted small blood splotches and a seemingly perfectly cleared trail.

"Over here, I've got a trail" Jasper declared to the rest of the search party. The other gems, mostly comprised of Steven's expeditionary force, followed Jasper as she slunk through the brush and trees.

The group walked for several miles before coming upon the small clearing where a strange lean-to resided.

Jasper quickly entered the small structure to find a Holly Blue Agate in complete disarray, as well as a complex torture device with blood stains smeared about it.

A terminal nearby appeared to have some information, but Jasper wanted to talk to the Agate.

Jasper's previously concerned state had shifted to a scalding fury.

"What did you do to him" Jasper spoke as she grabbed the Agate by her hair.

"I was forced into a fusion by these rebels, and they... the fusion tortured him and used him to get off on some sick desire of the Quartzes I was fused with" the Agate spoke.

"The Commander would shock him with whatever they had and then the fusion would do the physical stuff...I wanted no part of it" the Agate pleaded.

Jasper let out a gruff noise of acknowledgement before checking the terminal near the torture device. Her eyes filled with a sadness as she learned her friend had been tortured cruelly twenty hours a day for thirteen months. She questioned how he even survived.

"Agate, your with us now. You are going to help us find him, and you are going to show us where the rebels that did this are" Jasper commanded.

"The rebels that did this are all currently in their gems, the prisoner broke out after a distraction and obliterated them. He tore the commanders mech apart methodically before splitting the fusion I was forced into apart" the Agate recounts.

"That sounds like him alright, however I have a question. What was this distraction? " Jasper asked.

"The Crystal Gems came and attacked, well they really didn't get a chance to attack but they also took him. I was too dazed to see if it was willingly or not, but they seemed to know him" the Agate added.

Jasper nodded in affirmation before beckoning the Agate to follow her.

"Let's go to Earth then, you can apologize to him and beg for mercy and I can go get my friend and...bring him home" Jasper spoke as an unknown feeling welled within her chest. The thought of bringing Steven home and caring for him was tantalizing. The thought of helping cure the wounds that no doubt etched across his powerful body sparked a fire within Jasper, a fire that happened to be within her nether regions. Jasper shook her head before moving on, ready to go find her friend.


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