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You jolted up and went to the door and was hit with a punch and you blacked out. You woke up tied to a chair and heard crying next to you. You look to your left and see Jenna also tied to a chair with duck tape over her mouth.

You hear the door open from the top of the stairs and the person slowly come down the steps. They get to the bottom of the stairs and realize who it is. It's Mia. "Hello y/n" she says sounding devious "you psycho let us go" you said angrily.

"Woah woah woah I'm not letting you go anywhere" "your mentally insane, what do you want with us" "I want you" "what". She walks up to you and starts rubbing on you "get off me you weirdo" "ok ok" she backs away.

"So what do you say want to be my girlfriend" "what the fuck I'm not gonna date someone that literally kidnapped me and I don't like you like that actually I don't like you at all". "You wouldn't happen to be dating her would you".

She pulls a knife out from her back pocket and puts it up to Jenna face. "Don't you fucking hurt her or you will regret it" "I do whatever I want now answer the question will you be my girlfriend" "Hell no I will never date you".

She stabs Jenna in the stomach and asks you again with wide eyes "will you be my girlfriend" "no". She stabs her again " I'm gonna ask one more time with you be my girlfriend" "no oh my lord what do you not get". She holds the knife up to Jenna's throat and was about to slit it when you gave in "fine fine yes I will be your girlfriend".

She takes the knife away from her throat and grabs your face "good girl". She goes back upstairs and you look at Jenna "hey hang in there I'm gonna get us out of this" you said on the verge of tears. Your trying to untie your hands but you look back over ay Jenna and see she's past out.

she's all i want (Jenna Ortega x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now