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This book will contain a series of stories or writings for the LayethTheSmackDown - Gloves Up Smackdown contest. Each story will be written around prompts. Best of luck to all competitors. :)

Qualifier - Bonus

Round 1

1.1 - Romance - From Dusk till Arora.
1.2 - Fantasy/Western - The Wendaal.
1.3 - Classic Retelling/with Zombies -            Frankenhour.
1.Bonus - Steampunk - Bleak Streets.

Round 2

2.1 - Historical Fiction - General Winter.
2.2 - Werewolf - Carrying the Fire.

Round 3

3.1 - Teen Fiction - The Weir.
3.2 - Sci-fi - Seether of Kristen.

Round 4

4.1 -
4.2 -
4.3 -

Main Event


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