Meeting The Boss

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Beta Renwick POV

I know the Alpha is right but how am I supposed to explain that I am scared out of my mind to take my eyes off my mate? How am I supposed to explain anything I am feeling to him without sounding like a wimp?

I step out of the shower, feeling a little better, and change into a new pair of jeans, boxer briefs, socks, boots, and white t-shirt. I look in the mirror at my freshly shaved face and I finally look healthy again.

'Our mate looks healthy now. She's going to be okay Renwick. She has to be," Ares comments to me.

Our mate's bruises are all healed to a shade of yellow and green. Her swelling is completely gone. I don't even want to think about the scars I can't see. The only time I left her was when the pack doctor came to check on her. I didn't want the first time I saw her naked to be when she was covered in bruises and cuts.

'Yeah, she looks better. I just hope she doesn't wake up to hate us,' I sigh and say back to him.

He cuts off the link, probably tired of my being negative. I walk over to our mate, lean down and give her a quick kiss on the top of her head.

"I'll be back soon, sweetheart. Gotta go meet the boss and apologize," I tell her. I fix her pillows and blanket and then I leave the room and make sure I shut the door behind me.

I don't even have to knock when I get there. He calls me to come in as soon as I walk to the door. I head in and take a seat across from him but keep my eyes pinned to the window behind him. I know if I look into his eyes, I'll end up confessing everything.

"You ready to tell me? Or are you going to go on pretending you are perfectly fine?" He asks.

My eyes snap to his and I ask, "How did you know something was wrong with me?"

"Renwick, I may be Alpha now, but I've been your best friend our entire lives. I know you better than you think. Now, do you want to explain?"

"Not really. I don't feel like being weak or some shit like that," I roll my eyes while telling him this.

"Who's gonna say that? It won't be me, because I've been where you're at-"

I cut him off because now I'm pissed. I'm tired of everyone saying they know how I feel.

"You haven't been anywhere near the shit I'm dealing with Alpha," I spit the last word venomously.

"Your mate woke up after six days and was already a shifter when you found her. My mate was fucking human and I had to make a choice to either save her life or mine. I had to choose to either live alone for the rest of my life or force this life on her to save her and I selfishly chose to force this shit on her because neither me nor my wolf could live life without her. I saw her in that basement, and I couldn't fucking breathe. She became the center of my world. But now I have to worry about whether her body is going to reject this change and kill her anyways or is she going to wake up and hate me for forcing her body into becoming something else so she could survive the beatings she got from some psychopath. You never had to worry about whether your mate would hate you or if she would take to the transformation. So no, you haven't been where I'm at Alpha and you don't get to pretend you have any idea how this feels."

We are silent for a good few minutes. I can't hold it in anymore and I feel the tears flowing when I look him in the eyes and tell him the truth.

"I am fucking terrified that either she isn't going to wake up or she's going to wake up and hate me for what I did to her."

His eyes soften and he says exactly what I need to hear.

"You're forgetting another possibility in there Renwick. She could wake up and actually want her mate. The moon goddess assigns our mates to us for a reason. I have faith that everything will work out and we will be here for you the entire time man."

I nod at him and say, "Thanks Jordan. I needed that."

"I know. Now let's stop talking feelings and talk business." The abrupt change in subject has me releasing my first laugh in weeks and it feels so good.

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