Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

They were told to head back to Coruscant, they had been tipped off about an attempt to steal one of the holocrons hidden away in the Jedi archives so they were told to depart from Kamino immediately which was good for Oriel as she wasn't fond of the rainy planet.

"That was a close one." Oriel said walking down the white hallway with Obi-Wan by her side.

"I'm still not completely sure we got through that. Anakin isn't dumb." Obi-Wan said looking around to make sure no one could hear.

"Then we must be extra careful. Already to many people know. It's to risky. If we're caught then –" Oriel started. "If we're caught then we will leave the Jedi order and live a wonderful life together exploring the galaxy." Obi-Wan finished which slightly eased her thoughts.

"What about Boba? What about Anakin? What about my Master? What about Averill? What abo ­–" Oriel couldn't help herself but to over think it.

"We will cross that bridge when it comes to it. But lucky for us, we will never have to." The corner of Obi-Wan's mouth twitched into a small smile at how Oriel's mind raced, it was one of the reasons he loved her.

"Your so stubborn." Oriel said as they reached the door to the enormous landing bay where three whole Republic Cruisers were docked and about a hundred thousand new clone troopers were marching into them.

She threw her grey hood over head, Obi-Wan doing the same, and they made their way out into the windy rain that soaked them the minute they stepped foot outside.

The two made their way over to the Republic Cruiser which had Admerial Hilton and Commander Rooster waiting beside the ramp that was being loaded with new clones. It really was a sight to see and it kind of frightened Oriel, at the reminder of how real the war really was.

"General Dune! General Kenobi!" Admerial Hilton greeted over the harsh winds when they got in ear shot. "Why don't we make our way to the bridge and get ready for take off, shall we?" He asked and the two nodded in agreement and made their way up the very long ramp beside the clones.

They didn't talk to one another until they were at the bridge where the two Jedi removed their hoods in respect.

"Well don't you look shiny." Oriel stated to Rooster who had new armour on. His armour was painted with more red and he had some red shoulder pads on with a red cape like armour around his legs.

 His armour was painted with more red and he had some red shoulder pads on with a red cape like armour around his legs

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"We lost too many men in battle, we no longer had enough to make ourselves a full battalion. So we got some shinys added to our battalion and we have been upgraded to 621st battalion and for the time being I am a coruscant guard, hence the uniform." Rooster explained and Oriel was slightly saddened at this news. She forgot that her squadron was barely a quarter of the battalion she was manning alongside Rooster and Admerial Hilton.

"We have set a course straight for Coruscant and we should be there in a little over an hour." Admerial Hilton in formed. "Oh and General Kenobi, I heard what happened to Admerial Block, I'm deeply sorry, he was a good man." He put his hand on his heart in respect.

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