Chapter 13

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Weeks have gone by since the Hosu incident and Class 1A were sitting in their dorms getting ready for their Training Camp.

Uraraka: "Wow Iida you're still lucky that you came alive out of Hosu" She anti gravity girl said eating some mochis

Momo: "Still it was a stupid idea to go alone after the Hero Killer" the to big booba for a teenage girl said scolding to the now depressd Iida

Iida: "I know i learned my lesson..." Iida said looking at his now damaged arm.

Denki: "Yeah the incident was bad and all but you gor to see the Time Stop Hero DIO is he really that cool!" The Wish version of Pikachu said with stars in his eyes.

That's when their new teacher Present Mic comes in

Present Mic: "YOOO! WOULD GET READY SO WE COULD FINALLY GOOOO!!!" Present Mic screamed while doing some poses.

As the class has gone out of the Dorms they are met with a certain flame bearded hero (A/N This Endeavor turned into Manga Endeavor since he lost Touya so he's a nicer version of him but you know the family issues and all)

Shoto: "Father what are you doing here?" Shoto asked a bit annyoed

Endeavor: "I'm here to protect you all on your camping trip" Enji said as he was trying to give Shoto a head pat which sadly failed as Shoto just moved away.

~Time Skip to the Camp~

After the Class A and B arrived at the camp and had their rough welcome from the Pussycats they were having now dinner.

Mandaly: "Ok everyone i want you to split up into teams of 2 and go through the forest" Mandaly said pointing towards the forest

Everything goes is like in the anime until a huge pile of gas appears and a lot of trees that were starting to burn.

Momo: "Is something burning over there" Momo asked as she looked to her partner Todoroki.

Shoto: "I would be more concern over the gas over there!" The two hair colored student said as he starzs to grab Momo and run back to the camp. Not noticing a dark figure following them.

~Meanwhile with Kouta~

The young child was sitting at his secret spot watching the forest burn.

Kouta: " Oh no i should return to aunty and the othe-!" Before Kouta could finish his sentence he ran into huge cloaked man.

???: "You've got a nice hat kid mind giving it to me?" The cloaked man said as he was trying to grab his had but all he was met with was an explosion and kick in the face by the all to always pissed walking bomb Katsuki Bakugou.

Bakugou: "Hey you extra leave that kid alone and fight with me the future number one!" Bakugou mocked the villain as an orange aura was around him.

???: "Not bad not bad but was that rly all you got?" The cloaked man said standing back up while throwing his cloak away.

Muscular: "My name is Muscular what's your name little shit?" Muscular asked.

Bakugou: "The name is Katsuki Bakugou and not only will i kick your ass i will be the future number 1 hero!" Bakugou shouted as activated his Kamikaze Mode with 15%.

Muscular: "You're pretty fast i give you that now this is were the fun begi-" Before the steroid pumped villain could finish his sentence he was interupted by 2 other figures.

???: "Stop Muscular"

As Bakugou looked up the rock he saw one guy with burn scars all over his face and the other he knew all to well.

Bakugou: "Deku..." Bakugou said as he got ready to fight.

After that Deku and Dabi jumped off the rock.

Deku: "Muscular go have fun in the camp leave this one to us." Izuku orderd Muscular who wasn't really for this idea.

Muscular: "Aww come on boss this one is pretty strong i wanna fight him!" Muscular said with the urge to fight.

Deku: "Plan changed Endeavour is down there go have fun oh and try not to kill Endeavour ok we want him alive right Dabi?" Deku turned to his bro as Dabi walked towards them and slings is arm around Deku's neck like the homies they are and looks straight up at Bakugou and Muscular.

Dabi: "Yes though i wished i was the one fighting Endeavour but i want that asshole alive." Dabi said as he looked with muderous eyes at Bakugou.

Muscular: "Well in that case why don't we switch then?" Muscular smirked.

Dabi: "As much as i would like that but no i gotta help my bro here." That's when Dabi pulled Izuku in the most manliest bro hug.

Dabi: "Cause this walking bomb over there was hurting my bro really bad and if someone dares to touch my bro..." Dabi said as he walks closer to Bakugou.

Dabi: "THEY WON'T SEE THE SUNLIGHT AGAIN!" Dabi shouted as attacked Bakugou with a huge blue flame attack who dodged at the last second.

Muscular: "I understand this is a bro moment i will leave then" Muscular said as he jumped away from them.

Bakugou: "A 2 vs 1 ha! You really needed a second guy to even have a chance to fight me pathetic Deku!" Bakugou said as he mocked them.

Deku: "Oh i'm don't really need Dabi to beat you" Deku smiled innocently.

Deku: "Because..." That's when Izuku suddenly disappears. And appears in front of Bakugou with his fist in his stomach giving him the good old stomach punch

Deku: "You're the pathetic one" Deku said smilling evil.

After that punch Izuku disappears and appears next to Dabi.

Deku: "You and Dabi will fight i have other things i need to attend to." Izuku said as he and Dabi did a bro fist and disappears again.

Bakugou was on the ground a bit blood comibg out of his mouth.

Bakugou: "That fucking Deku..." Bakugou looks on the ground holding his stomach

Dabi: "Hey my eyes are up here not on the ground you walking dynamite" Bakugou looked up at Dabi who has evil smirk on this face.

That's when Dabi used his Quirk to make a ring out of fire around them.

Suddenly this starts to play:

(A/N Oh yes we are pulling out the spanish guitar for this one)

Dabi: "So what are you waiting for let's dance amigo" Dabi said with his never fading smirk.

That's all folks

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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