Chapter 9

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Izuku, Kyouka and Hisashi were laying on the sofa finishing their Star Wars marathon. (A/N The reaction will come soon maybe...)

Izuku: "This was amazing!" Izuku exclaimed with a amazed voice

Kyouka: "Yeah this was so good!" Kyouka said as she began to lay her head on Izuku's shoulder again.

All For One: "So what was your favorit-" Hisashi got interrupted by Dr. Garaki storming through the door.

Garaki: "WE HAVE TO GO NOW OR THE HEROES WILL FIND US!!!" Garaki said as he paniced.

All For One: "Dr. What do you mean with the heroes will find us" Hisashi asked obviously tense.

Dr. Garaki: "All Mights brat has GPS in her! It activated a few minutes we have to destroy everything and go they will be here in 15 minutes we have to go to the secret hideout!!!!!" Garaki said as he starts to pour gasoline to the ground.

The trio on the sofa looked at each other before standing up and prepare everything for the leaving.

Kurugiri and Aizawa took all their Whiskey with them.

Izuku: "Wait what are we gonna do with Izumi?" Izuku asked.

All For One: "We leave her here but not without a surpirse" Hisashi said with his evil smile.

Kyouka: "Will you tell us what it is?" She asked.

All For One: "Oh trust me you will all like it" Hisashi said with a pure evil aura.

~20 minutes later~

All For One: "Allright we have everything Kurugiri portal now!" Hisashi orderd Kurugiri.

Kurugiri opend the portal and they go through.

Now they were standing outside of a mansion in a forrest. They got quickly inside and set everything for the surprise up.

~10 Minutes Later at the bar~

All Might: "It's over villains why because we are here!" All Might screamed as he punched the wall down.

After that the poilice and some heroes walked in.

Police Officer 1: "Everything is clear here"

Endeavor: "Where are the villains!" Endeavor grunted.

Edgeshot: "Don't worry we will find them" Edgeshot said.

Tsukauchi: "Don't worry All Might we will find your daughter" Tsukauchi said as he put his hand on All Mights shoulder.

All Might: "You're right she must be here but where?" All Might asked himself.

Police Officer 2: "There is a hidden door with a staircase down!" a police officer shouted.

Tsukauchi: "Allright me, All Might and Edgeshot go down there Endeavor stay here" Tsukauchi said to Endeavor

Endeavor just grunted and looked away like the Tsundere he is.

As thes got down downstairs they found a closed door and All Might smashed it down and they saw Izumi with tape on her mouth in chains.

All Might: "Don't worry Izumi dad is here!" All Might said as he rushed to his daughter and ripped the tape from her mouth.

Izumi: "Go now it's a trap!" Izumi screamed with the little power she has before passing out again.

All Might: "Wha-" Before he could say anything a TV screen behind him got turned on.

Izuku: "You should listen to your daughter All Might" Izuku said as he wore his helmet. (A/N All For One's if you don't remember)

All Might: "Take that stupid thing of Izuku i want to see your face." All Might said with a serious face.

Izuku: "Oh don't you remember the face of your step son who you neglected? Really what a shame..." Izuku said as he put his helmet off and looked All Might straight in the face.

Izuku: "And now for the trap" Izuku said with a sweet smile on his face.

After he said that they heard upstairs a Nomu scream and gun fire.

Izuku: "I see that Endeavor is upstairs oh this will be good!" Izuku said.

Edgeshot: "What do you mean?" Edgeshot asked.

Izuku: "Oh nothing but did you realize that gasoline is on the ground? No as i thought" Izuku said with a smirk.

Tsukauchi: "EDGESHOT QUICK GO UPSTAIRS AND WARN THEM!" Tsukauchi told Edgehot who immedialtly got upstairs. But as soon as he left the room upstairs was a big explosion.

Tsukauchi: "Crap the door is blocked by all the rubble" Tsukauchi said as he starts to call Edgeshot.

Izuku: "Don't worry Mr. Tsukauchi you will get out soon." Izuku said.

All Might: "Shut it Izuku, where is your master?!" All Might demanded.

Izuku: "Oh you mean dad yeah he said it was not the right time to talk yet but this whole trap thing was his idea oh and theres one more thing Mr. Tsukauchi." Izuku said as he looked at the police officer.

Izuku: "I'm really sorry for your lost... your dear sister Makoto didn't deserve such a fate." Izuku said with a caring voice.

Tsukauchi: "What do you mean and how do you know about my sister?!" Tsukauchi said clearly his sister was still a sensitive topic for him.

Izuku: "I think you should know the truth isn't that right All Might" Izuku said as he looked straight to All Might who looked nervous.

Tsukauchi: "What does he mean with that?" Tsukauchi looked confused at All Might.

Izuku: "Remember the party you throwed when Izumi got accepted to UA. Makoto got pretty drunk and you said to Tsukauchi you would bring her home cause our favorite detective here was called in and your took the opportunity to have fun with her and you idiot thought she wouldn't remember it because she was so drunk but she did and as she confronted you about it and wanted to tell Inko everything but you of course did the only heroic thing that your tiny brain could muster up, rape and kill her afterwards really heroic isn't it?" Izuku told the entire story.

All Might: "How did you know about it!?" All Might screamed.

Izuku: "I'm not the one you should be concerned about" Izuku said pointing to the on the ground looking Tsukauchi.

All Might: "You don't actually believe him do you?" All Might asked the on the ground looking cop.

Tsukauchi: "Did you forgott about my quirk... All Might  in the name of the Mustutafu Poilice you're under arrest!" Tsukauchi said while crying and pointing his gun at All Might.

All Might: "You know guns won't work on me i had enough now Izumi let's go!" All Might said breaking Izumi's chains.

Izuku: "Oh All Might Killer Queen has already touched thouse chains" Izuku said as he made Kira's hand thingy

Izuku: "BITE THE DUST BITCH!" Izuku screamed.

After he said that there was a big explosion downstairs.

(A/N It is a rather short chapter with a nice cliffhanger at the end. I will make a bigger chapter next time i didn't  had enough time in the last few days but i felt bad if i didn't update the story so here :D)

And as always...


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