Chapter 11: Stalling For Time (New Beginning Arc)

Start from the beginning

Roughly around twenty clones of Janus charged at Kiryu, all preparing to deal a fatal strike somewhere on his body. "I can't lose this!" Kiryu prepared his Zen Energy and released it all in one powerful wave. Every clone of Janus was destroyed in the energy wave. "How did you even learn such a technique?! You might have gotten rid of my Magic, but I can still use my Zen!"

The real Janus suddenly manifested from lightning behind him. "I don't care." She kicked him in his back and he was sent into the air. "Winston!" Multiple small gryphons appeared and soared through the tiny space, each hitting Kiryu and shocking him at the same time, keeping him in the air. Janus appeared again, striking down Kiryu from the sky into the grass, making him skid across it. Janus began laughing again as lightning struck her, consuming her once more.

"Territory Expansion: Immortal Vortex Garden!" The space around them broadened as Kiryu stood up.

"She's now in the second phase?" He thought to himself as he saw endless amounts of clones, all looking exactly like Janus. They all rushed at him with their Magic, striking him in every part of his body. Kiryu couldn't react, his brain was struggling to even process how much pain he was in.

"Let the garden consume you!" Vines started to warp around Kiryu as they quickly ensnared his entire body, leaving him tangled and slowly being dragged into the gardens forever. Kiryu was so lost in thought. He was on the edge of falling unconscious as he was being dragged into the depths of the grass to where he will die.

Bright white sunshine filled his view as he realized he was back outside in Asrale City. He fell to his knees exhausted, letting his brain process everything that has happened to him as all the pain started to inflict him physically. He let out a gruesome scream as he clenched his chest, mainly where his heart was. "Dammit. Can't believe I let that bitch get the best of me!" He looked up in rage to see her collapsed on the floor.

Kiryu understood. Laughing to himself as he slowly got up. "So, your brain couldn't handle the stress of having your own space and you eventually ran out of Zen." He wanted to kill her so badly but knew he had to stick with the orders given to him by Crowley. "I didn't think a student could possess and manipulate such a powerful Zen Technique. I bet she'll have lots of questions for whoever her teacher is."

Kiryu looked up and saw the number of people who were watching. "This isn't a show! Leave!" The crowd quickly disperses as Kiryu walks away, making his way to the academy.

Mahou Academy, Gym 6

Aegis and Vallin walked into a gym hall. Very basic, but with quite a large space to unleash powerful attacks. "I hope you realise this plays to my advantage, right?" Aegis warned Vallin as they took their places in the gym hall, preparing themselves.

"Does it? Nothing stops me from cancelling your Magic and defeating you with one slice." Vallin looked into the eyes of Aegis to judge how he was feeling.

"Enough. I'll start." Aegis used his Ice Magic to create a wall between Vallin and himself. "So you haven't decided to cancel my magic?'

"I don't need to." He slashed the wall down the middle, causing the whole wall to break apart. "I can easily cut ice."

Aegis created a similar-looking weapon to the one Vallin was holding, the only difference being that one was made out of ice and the other was real. They clashed their weapons against each other as Aegis's katana soon broke, leaving him wide open for an attack. Vallin took this chance and was about to slice him before Aegis defended himself with his Magic, creating a pillar that lifted Vallin into the sky.

Aegis stopped it and made it disappear, making Vallin fall. Once Vallin reached the right height, Aegis punched him straight in the face, but mid-punch, Vallin kicked him in the back of the head, making Vallin fall to the floor and Aegis on his knees.

"Hey." Vallin recovered quickly. "How about we stop fighting with Magic and weapons, and fight with our fists? Whoever lands on the floor with their back three times will lose."

Aegis soon recovered as well. "Fine by me. I'll still win."

Vallin went in for a knee to the chin, but Aegis blocked it with his hand. Pushing his knee back, and attempting to spin kick as Vallin ducked under it, and delivered a brutal gut punch to Aegis. He quickly put his arm around Vallin's neck, placing him in a chokehold. Vallin swept his Aegis's foot, making him fall to the ground, and releasing the hold he had on Vallin. Aegis used his legs to reach up and wrap his legs around Vallin's neck, bringing him down onto his knees as Aegis strangled him.

Vallin wasn't in that hold for long either as he lifted Aegis from the ground and slammed him back down, generating enough force for Aegis to let go. Aegis rolled back and managed to stand up. Vallin, already planning a straight punch was blocked by Aegis's left arm as he swung with a right hook. Vallin backed away, and attempted to perform a Scissor Kick it caught Aegis unaware. Vallin managed to do it and brought Aegis down to the floor before he did. "That's two to me and zero to you."

Aegis stood back up again, preparing for any outcome. This time, he swung first and Vallin took the hit straight on as he didn't even falter. Aegis kicked him in the stomach making Vallin bend over slightly before deciding to drop an Axe Kick on his back, making Vallin fall to the ground for the first time in their match.

"Well done." He stood back up. "I thought I could let my guard down near the end but I guess not." They stared at each other before suddenly being interrupted by Cyrus.

"We have trouble. Quit fighting and come with me. One of your classmates is in danger." They were both surprised to see Cyrus so serious as they looked at each other and agreed to settle it another day.

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