Chapter 5: The First Class Test (Introduction Arc)

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Mahou Academy, Gym Hall 2

Kurasa was lying down on the ground. The reaction speed of Aegis was far greater than he could imagine. He flipped himself back up by getting his own shadow to push him. While mid-air, he positioned himself to create a kick that could go down upon Aegis.

Aegis quickly raised his arms to the sky and crossed them over, preparing to block his attack as he added some ice to act like a barrier for his arms.

Kurasa changed his kick halfway through and maneuvered his attacking leg to come from the side, not from the top. "You might be better on the ground, but the air is my territory!" Kurasa's kick landed, directly hitting him on the side of his face. "Bitch."

Aegis remained standing as Kurasa kicked Aegis once again, but this time, pushing himself back. "How'd you like that?"

Once Kurasa landed safely on the ground, he noticed something wasn't right. He looked down to see that ice began to spread across his legs at a rapid pace. "What?" He looked around to see that the place he landed was surrounded by ice. "You bastard! You set this up!"

Aegis went back to having that cold, empty stare of his, but it seemed different, his eyes appeared to be more blue than green - almost like using his Ice Magic turned his eyes into a mixture of both. "I hope all of that was just an act. You seriously didn't think that you could beat me, right?"

The ice that was constructing its way up Kurasa's legs began to spread slowly so that it wouldn't reach above his waist. "The hell? Did you just make the ice spread slower? I don't need that sort of pity! I'll escape from this stupid Ice Magic myself!"

"No need. You won't last much longer in this world." Aegis walked over to grab his Ice Bow, creating a single arrow and pulling back the string, aiming it directly at Kurasa.

"Go ahead! See what happens, tough guy!" Kurasa shouted.

"Arrow of Ice, show Kurasa the meaning of demise!" Aegis let the string go and the arrow flew perfectly towards Kurasa.

"Darkness Arise! Show Aegis that we won't be defeated by some ice!" Kurasa replied, stuttering from the cold on his legs. Darkness began to rise from the ground and began to form into a huge shield.

The darkness disappeared as the arrow collided with some metal object that everyone could hear, but couldn't see what it was. The arrow flung into the air, landing perfectly with the tip stuck in the ground. Everybody was confused, but as soon as their eyes made contact with Kurasa's side. They realized that Vallin was standing in front of him, looking pissed as all hell.

Aegis lowered his bow as the Ice on Kurasa's legs seemingly disappeared. Zale was watching all of this, his jaw dropping to the floor. "Wait? That's what this guy meant by Cancel Magic. That's so cool! And the way he made an entrance without anyone even noticing was truly special!"

Juniper looked over at Zale, expressionless. "You sound like a narrator, quit it." Zale lowered his head in defeat. "I'm just kidding." Zale's head instantly went back up to watch what was gonna happen. Juniper seemed less interested than Zale, but still curious. The girl next to her, Janus, seemed like she was about to sleep any second which made Zale wonder if she was this really powerful person that found this fight boring.

Zale paid his attention back to the fight as Vallin was about to speak. "Gotta admit. I'm sincerely disappointed in you, Aegis. I expected better from the oldest guy here. Instead, your planning on killing everyone. What a sad life you live." He sounded sarcastic yet the energy he was giving off told a different story entirely.

Aegis made his bow disappear as he looked around at the other classmates to see their reactions. "Oh really? It's almost like you know what my real plan is, but instead of telling the truth, you're trying to pin everything on me and become everyone's friend. How sweet of you."

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