Nick can't cope

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Nicks POV:
I haven't been able to see Charlie after school in ages because of my exam revision. It's always work this work that, I need a break.

So Charlie and I have planned a trip out shopping together.

I got out of bed and put on my favourite shirt and jeans, found my favourite after shave and went downstairs.

"Morning Nicky, want some breakfast?" my mum asked as I entered the kitchen.

"Mhm, I'm not really hungry I'll buy something later," I replied.

"That's not like you nick! Are you feeling ok?" She asked concerned.

"Yer, bit nervous I guess?" I said grabbing my jacket.

"Ok well have fun!" She shouted as I walked to the front door.

I wasn't in a talking mood I was exhausted and stressed but I needed to see Charlie and I didn't want to disappoint him.

Once I got to his house he was already waiting outside for me.

He had one of the widest smiles on his face! I couldn't resist but hug him a hug I didn't realise I needed.

"Right, let's go!" He said pulling my arm.

We got on the train, I slept almost the whole way there and Charlie stared out the window.

We started of by going for lunch, which was fun. We only went to McDonald's.

After that we shopped in 3 clothes shops and decided to call it a day.

We were both extremely tired by this point and decided to go back to my house for the evening.

"How was your day boys?" My mum greeted us both with a hug.

"It was really good thank you," Charlie answered.

I just went to make myself and Charlie a cuppa.

"Nick?" My mum said.

"Mhm yer," I mumbled.

Once the tea had brewed we both went up to my room, we took our new stuff with us so we could try it all on.

"Nick, Is everything ok?" Charlie asked sitting down on my bed.

I nodded, but I didn't want to.

"Come and sit next to me!" he demanded in a cute boyfriend way.

I sat down next to him as he asked.

He pulled me over so my head was resting on his shoulder and rapped his arms round me.

"Now tell me what's wrong!" He whispered into my ear.

I started crying, pretty hard and I couldn't stop. I just kept crying.

"Im so stressed with my exams and how I'm going to fail and then mess up my entire life and not get a good job and-" I was cut of by Charlie lifting up my head and making our eyes meet.

I was still crying but his warm eyes made me feel safe.

"You need to calm down, or your going to give yourself a headache!" he said stocking my hair out of my face.

I took deep breaths and tried to stay focused on Charlie's eyes.

We held me in his arms, I held him in mine. I didn't realise I needed someone to hold me until Charlie did.

We settled down and watched, avengers age of ultron because Charlie let me pick for once and we both fell asleep.

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