Chapter 8

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When they entered the house, Marjani’s father was sitting in her grandmother’s favorite chair, waiting for them. The stern look on his face had Gabriel breaking out in a sweat; this was a man that could rival his father in the cold looks department.
“Daddy, we’ve returned,” Marjani said, hoping to break to the tension in the room.
“And how did the dance practice go with Priestess Louaseu?” he asked.
“She says I’m ready for tomorrow night.”
     “I’ll get started on dinner right away,” she said, heading for the kitchen. “Is granddaddy out tending to another patient?”
“Yes, and your grandmother is in the garden,”
Marjani waved to her grandmother in the garden and began taking out ingredients for the night’s supper. Gabriel didn’t want to cling on to Marjani, but with nowhere else to go and nothing else to do, how else was he supposed to entertain himself?
Her father noticed  how the young man  followed his daughter around and glared at him. “Marjani can I talk to you for a second?”
     Marjani sighed. She was so tired of everyone pulling her aside for private talks. She glanced at Gabriel wondering if he would be alright with it. One look at her father made him not dare object to the man’s wishes. He waved her away to go talk to her father and Marjani did just that, all the while thinking that being pulled aside with for a conversation about someone in the same room was just rude.
     Fortunately for her, Gabriel decided  go in the garden rather than stay and eavesdrop on their conversation. She did not blame him for wanting to leave. Her father glanced out the kitchen window at him as if he expected the man to attack his mother-in-law at any second.
“What is it dad?” Marjani asked, gaining back her father’s attention.
“Do you know how many people came to the house telling me my daughter was out with that…that intruder?”
“You already knew I was out with him and if you must now, he was a perfect gentleman. We stayed in public, so you have nothing to worry about.”
“That’s beside the point Marjani. He doesn’t belong here. And I don’t like how close you’re getting to him.”
“I’m not getting close, I ‘m being friendly. Haven’t you taught me to be cordial to all our guests?  I couldn’t stand it if I was  as cold to him as everyone else. Don’t you think the poor guy has been through enough?”
Her father couldn’t say anything to her. “The boy leaves tomorrow. He won’t be staying for the festival and we’ll put an end to this little friendship you’re forming.”
     Marjani bit her lip. At least he thought it was just friendship and if that’s the way it looked to everyone else then she has nothing to worry about. Maybe it was for the best that Gabriel didn’t stick round. She had to admit he was kind of affecting her in a new way. A new way, she wasn’t sure she was all comfortable with or maybe it was the fact that she was happily falling into this new relationship that had her feeling out of sorts.
    Marjani looked out the window at Gabriel.  He said something to her grandmother and she saw her break out into a huge smile before letting out a loud laugh. He then picked up the bags of herbs she was harvesting and brought them into the house. Her grandmother was not too far behind.
“Gabriel I think it’s about time you join us for dinner.” Her grandmother announced.  “It must be lonely for you to eat dinner up there by yourself. I’ll have my husband check on you when he gets home and he’ll make the final decision.”
“But, mother—“ Marjani’s father objected.
“Now Reuben, it’s only right,” She scolded her son-in-law. “He might be leaving tomorrow, so the least we can do is be better hosts and hostesses. Give him a taste of how hospitable some of us folk could be.”
     Marjani’s father didn’t give any more objections. Grandmother Bisbebe was the woman of the house after all and even though grandfather Jabilo made most of the decisions, it was obvious who the driving force was. Her father grumbled to himself before going out the door.
“Why doesn’t he see this way we do?” Marjani asked her grandmother.
Her grandmother gave her a sympathetic look. “He’s just trying to look after you. Come on into the kitchen and lets start dinner.” She turned back to Gabriel.
“We have books in the living room. My husband and I don’t believe in modern technology, so entertain yourself the best way you can.”
Gabriel didn’t feel right letting them do all the work, but he figured he would leave the two women time to talk,  he decided to peer through their bookshelves as suggested.
    Marjani took a peek back at Gabriel as he studied their book shelves  before following her grandmother into the kitchen to make dinner.
“That young man is quite handsome isn’t he? I can see why you’re so keen on giving him companionship.”
“Grandma,” Marjani whined.
“Hey, I may be old but I can still recognize a fine man when I see one, sweetie.”
“I-it’s not like that,” Marjani muttered.
“You can’t tell your grandmother you’re even the slightest bit attractive to him? I see the way you sneak peeks at him honey. It’s okay; I won’t judge you for it. If you ask me I’m glad you have found someone to intrigue you. I was started to get worried for a second.”
“What does it matter, grandma? He’s going to leave soon anyway and I doubt he sees me in the same light.
Her grandmother snorted. “Why wouldn’t he? You’re a beautiful young lady. I’m sure he’s attracted to you.”
Marjani gave her an incredulous look. “Are you condoning this?”
“I’m not condoning anything!” her grandmother sniffed. “and I know just as well as you do that it’s an impossible endeavor, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be a young  woman and enjoy a male’s company and I mean this in the most innocent way of course.”
“Grandma,” Marjani said again, glancing at the living room again.
    Gabriel didn’t seem to be paying attention to their conversation, but rather was engrossed in a large tome. She would have died from embarrassment if he was privy to this conversation. She wouldn’t entertain enjoying Gabriel’s company more than what she already did. She wouldn’t allow herself to…fall in love with him. It was impossible to even consider.
   Marjani’s father returned not long after with Marjani’s grandfather in tow. When her grandmother saw her grandfather and how he seemed to be gasping for breath, she rushed to his side.
“My gods, what happened?” Her grandmother asked. She helped guide her husband to the living room to sit in a chair.
“It’s nothing, her grandfather wheezed. I just got slow winded on the way home. “You know how it is sometimes.”
“You didn’t catch anything while you were tending to your patient did you?” Marjani’s father asked.
As a response, her grandfather waved him off. “Have you ever known me to get sick?”
“Things change,” her father answered. “dad you are not as young as you used to be,”
“Make a remark about my age, why don’t you?”
“For now when you go out, I’m going to have to accompany you.”
Her grandfather snorted. “You all are always looking after me. I’m a doctor who knows how to take care of himself.”
“That’s beside the point, you stubborn old man,” His wife scolded. She went to the counter to boil some herbal tea for her husband.
Before she could forget Marjani asked her grandfather, “Granddaddy if you feel up to it, can you assess Gabriel and see if he’s capable of eating dinner with us?”
Her grandfather studied Gabriel from his seat before saying, “He seem like he would be up to it,”
Marjani’s father tried to object, “But dad, do you think it’s wise to—“
“He is a guest, Reuben.”  Her grandfather said, cutting him off. “Besides let’s get a chance to know the boy, it wouldn’t hurt would it?” he looked to his granddaughter. “Marjani seems to have grown fond of him,””
His words caused Reuben to glare at his daughter who in return gave her grandfather a sheepish look. “Granddaddy it’s not like that,” She couldn’t bring herself to look at Gabriel after what her grandfather said.
     Jabilo beckoned the boy to join them into the kitchen and Marjani began setting the table. Her grandmother brought the food and soon they were all seated for supper. Her grandparents sat on one side of the table and Marjani and father sat on the opposite side.  Gabriel knew it would be wise not to sit beside Marjani and he didn’t want to sit next to her father. The safest bet was for him to sit next to the elderly couple, but he opted for sitting at one end of the table away from all of them.
    Marjani’s grandmother raised a gray eyebrow at the distance the boy was keeping from her granddaughter when he was nearly joined at the hip with her before and chuckled to herself. She remembered a certain young man that tried to keep his distance from her daughter when he came over for the first time. She of course told him it was okay for him to sit next to her daughter since they were dating after all, but she knew that this situation was different. The gods would never condone it and for her granddaughter to have such a relationship with a man was unheard of. She had to marry someone on their island. There was a reason behind why outsiders weren’t received with warm embraces from the Aquarians.
    Dinner that night was  Ox Tail stew, Reuben’s favorite. Marjani figured she could try to appease her father this way. It usually took almost a whole day to finish cooking, but her grandmother seemed to have foreseen Reuben’s sour mood and have everything already ready, so it wouldn't take too long to serve. The smell of Thyme and other spices wafter din the air intermingling with the perfume aroma from the flowers in the garden, making for a heavenly scent. Gabriel was surprised by tonight’s dinner choice, realizing that the Aquarian’s choice in food wasn’t that much different from that of his homeland. Surely food was a big enough interest. He waited for his hosts to start eating before he did and with one bite, his taste buds sung. Ox tail soup was one of his favorites back home and Marjani and her grandmother did a superb job of making it. It was almost as good as the kind his maid cooked at home.
“I would ask you how you’re liking the food, but the answer is obvious.” Marjani’s grandmother told him, taking noticed of his half-finished bowl.
“It’s one of my favorite dishes back home. You are an excellent cook Mrs. Marubi.”
“ Of course I can’t take all the credit. My little Marjani handles spices like a professional. She would make someone a fine wife someday.”
“Grandma,” Marjani said, looking down at her plate. She didn’t have to look to feel Gabriel’s gaze on her.
“In my country a woman that cooks well definitely catches a man’s heart.” His voice was soft and seductive and Marjani felt like she would melt in her seat, her cheeks burning.
Her father cleared his throat, making it clear he thought the young man crossed a line. “Well she has her moments of getting too distracted and burning a meal a time or two. I remember how she cooked curried shrimp once and didn’t remove all the shells from the shell fish. I was picking shells out of my teeth for almost a week.”
“Daddy,” Marjani warned. Was he trying to embarrass her on purpose? So, she wasn’t the best cook in the beginning, but all it took was her grandmother’s patience and many practice runs before she caught on and took to it like a mermaid in a tidal pool.
“What other meals do you have in Jamaica?” her grandmother asked.
Gabriel rubbed his fingers over his lips as he thought about it and Marjani was drawn to the hypnotizing movement until he finally spoke. “We also have curried shrimp. Our food is of the spicy variety. Jerk chicken is popular, red beans and rice…”
Marjani took note of the foods he mentioned, noticing that some of them were just the kind they made here. Some she never heard of, but she was willing to try. What would it be like to travel with him to Jamaica and try the cuisine? See the places he been and experience it all herself.
“It’s only right to ask Marjani if she wants to be there.” She heard her grandmother tell her father.
Marjani’s mind returned to the dinner table when she heard her grandmother mention her.
“I see no reason for her to go.” Her father protested.
“Where shouldn’t I go?” Marjani asked.
Her grandmother turned to her. “Your father has a boat for Gabriel to return home early tomorrow morning. I said that you should see him off.”
“Is it alright for him to travel home now?” Marjani asked her grandfather.
“If nothing happens in the night, he appears to be just fine.” He assured her.
Gabriel wanted to tease her about not letting him go, but he knew this wasn’t the time for that, so he kept his mouth shut as he watched Marjani try to regain a hold on her feelings. Did she want him to stay?
“Oh well that’s good then.” She muttered. “If it’s not too much trouble, I want to see him off.”
“Marjani,” her father warned.
“I-I kept him company. It will be a part of being a good hostess.” She explained.
      Once dinner was over, Marjani took to washing up the dishes and Gabriel offered to help. Though she protested, he knew it it was the least he could do when she cooked for him. When he mentioned her cooking for him, she couldn’t help the warmth she felt in her stomach, though as ridiculous for her to feel such a thing when it was only dinner.  Her grandmother sat in her favorite chair in the living room, talking to her husband in a hushed tone. Probably still nagging him about his health and her father pretended to read a book, but it was obvious to everyone he was spying on his daughter and Gabriel.  Marjani tried not to speak to Gabriel as she moved around the room.
“You know, you don’t have to see me off in the morning if it’s going to create problems for you.” He told her.
Marjani gripped the plate she was holding in her hand. “I want to be there. I meant it when I said I wanted to be a good hostess.”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow at her. “Are you sure it’s not because you want to make sure your father doesn’t murder me on the way there?” he whispered.
Marjani gasped at his assumption, but then she remembered he liked to joke around. As an answer she swatted him with the dish towel. “You thought I was serious for a moment didn’t you?”
“I’ve gotten use to your witty comments by now.”  She believed she liked him teasing her as much as he did. I’m going to miss that about him. How was I that a man she only known a day was able to effect her so much?
“Sure I can’t take you with me? Any food anyone else prepares for me is going to pale in comparison after I had your cooking. I’m afraid you ruined me dear Marjani.”
“Anyone ever tell you flattery will get you nowhere?”
“Who says I’m trying to get somewhere—oh yeah, I’m trying to take you to Jamaica with me as my personal cook.”
She bit her lip wanting to ask, “Is that all I’ll be to you?” But she wondered if that would be considered flirting. And as much as she wanted to know what she meant to him, maybe it would be better not to know. “You don’t have to wax poetic about my cooking skills.”
      Once dinner was over, Marjani took to washing up the dishes and Gabriel offered to help. Though she protested, he knew it it was the least he could do when she cooked for him. When he mentioned her cooking for him, she couldn’t help the warmth she felt in her stomach, though as ridiculous for her to feel such a thing when it was only dinner.  Her grandmother sat in her favorite chair in the living room, talking to her husband in a hushed tone. Probably still nagging him about his health and her father pretended to read a book, but it was obvious to everyone he was spying on his daughter and Gabriel. 
     Marjani pretended not to notice her father’s protection tactics as she lit up whenever Gabriel mentioned how good dinner was.
“Has anyone ever told you that flattery will get you nowhere?” Marjani said, trying to reign it the elation she felt whenever he complimented her and tried to make he father think she wasn’t effected by Gabriel’s charm at mall.
“Who said I was trying to get anywhere? Can a compliment just be that, a compliment?”
She bit her lip as she considered his words.  “Well it could, but you don’t have to wax poetic about my cooking skills.”
“No, this is waxing poetic about your cooking skills.”
He got on his knee in front of her, nearly causing Marjani’s heart to leap out of her chest. He grasped her hand in his and asked, “Would you make my meals every day?”
She giggled as she broke her hand free from his grasp and when she looked up, the smile on her face disappeared when she saw her father standing in the doorway, glowering at them and putting a stop to their playful mood.
“You should turn in for the night,” her father commanded him. “Your boat will be here early in the morning.”
    Not wanting to argue, Gabriel simply nodded and muttered a goodnight to Marjani, before heading down the hall to her father’s bedroom. Marjani held her tongue and went back to finishing up in the kitchen. She didn’t say a word to her father as she cleaned, knowing it wouldn’t matter.
    They were just playing around,but her father’s disapproval made her feel guilty. True she may have gotten closer to him than she wanted and maybe she should blame it on sharing her private thoughts with him, but now she couldn’t deny that she had grown attached to him in the short time they been together. She would see him off in the morning, even though it would hurt her when she would have to say goodbye.

A/N: This was one of my favorite chapters. Please comment, telling me what you think and if you are enjoying the story, please share it with others. Thanks for reading so far! :)

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