Chapter 4

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When Gabriel opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a beautiful young woman, leaning over him. She had tawny skin and dark eyes framed by long lashes. Her curly hair was cut short to her scalp and she had full lips. Gabriel had no idea where he was, but he thought he would like it here. So he said the only thing that was natural for a guy to say when met with a beautiful woman, "hello," and she nearly jumped away from him as if she touched a hot stove.

Then he took in his surroundings. He was in a stark white room with brown and white furniture. A tapestry hung on a wall and on the nightstand was a picture of a bald man holding a woman who was older.yet similar to the one who was with him now. On the other side was a picture of the same woman holding a little girl that again looked like the girl he was beside him.

"W-where am I?" he asked. He could hear the crashing of waves outside in the distance and the smell of salty sea air drifting in from an open window.

"You're in my home," The girl said. Then her face flushed. "Well of course you know you're in my home, but you probably meant that you want to know where you are in particular. "You're in the Aquarius Isles.""

"The Aquari what?" He tried to sit up, but winced at the stabbing sensation in the back of his head. Marjani pushed him on his shoulders for him to lay back down. Her hands felt warm against his skin.

"Stay down," her voice was gentle and Gabriel found himself staying as still as he could, wanting to know what she would do next. "I'll make you some tea. It should build up your strength."

She started to walk-nearly run out the room- when he called after her.

'You still never told me what this place is."

She turned back to him. "The Isles is a secluded island in the Carribean. No one outside knows too much about us really,"

No one it seems, but you. She seemed tell him with her look. It wasn't accusing, like she didn't want him here at all, But he had a feeling others might feel that way. He wanted to ask her more, but decided to let her go and wait for her to return to ask more.

Marjani's hands shook as she poured the tea into a cup. When a person wakes up from a coma, they don't just greet a person like what happened to him was the most casual thing. They appeared disoriented first. He looked at her like she was a familiar friend. But after his little greeting, then the confusion kicked in.

What she didn't understand was that she liked the way he looked at her. Her heart fluttered in her chest and it was a feeling she hadn't felt in a long time, not since... Marjani shook her head. A person's heart races when they were startled too. She was just shocked that's all and she didn't know enough about him to associate the feeling with attraction, though the man was attractive...She shook her head again. She would simply care for her guest and forget this feeling entirely. With her new found determination, she made her way back upstairs.

When she returned to her father's room, she saw the young man sitting relaxed with his arms propped under his head as if he was comfortable with being in such a foreign place. Marjani wondered if it was all a façade. There was no way she would be so calm if she was in his position. She sat the tea set on the bedside table and the boy sat up, wincing again as he did so. She handed him the tea cup and their fingers brushed against each other. Marjani jumped almost spilling some of the tea on the bedspread and she caught the guy staring at her as if he felt the unfamiliar feeling too.

He cleared his throat before saying" Thanks..."

It took Marjani a second to realize he was waiting for her name. "Marjani," She told him my name is Marjani, Marjani Buhari."

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