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The light from the t.v. flickered on the wall. Slight shadows were cast from the three people sitting in front of it. All three had tears streaming down their faces. A girl held her younger brother close to her. A woman who must have been their mother clutched a small two year old in her arms. The woman's body shook as sobs ripped through her. On the t.v. the news station was broken and the weather man was slouched against a wall. Blood streaked the wall behind him, and the man's shirt was soaked in blood. A tall man walked on screen, and didn't even give the dead man a glance. With a first look the man appeared old because of his white hair but if you looked again you would see his hair was not white but had a pink gleam to it, and his eyes looked as if a pink fire blazed in them. The man began to speak, "I am Magncent. I am now in charge. All those who have stood against me are dead."

The boy sitting with his sister sobbed, and cried out to his father. The man on the t.v. grinned wickedly, and just then there was a knock on the door. The three froze. The woman put her fingers to her lips and motioned to the cellar. The girl nodded and pushed her brother silently down the steps. The woman tightly clutching her toddler to her chest. She fearfully swung the door open. Standing in the gray light outside the house stood two men. Both were dressed in black and had red hair and yellow eyes. There was a flash of terror that flickered in the woman's eyes before she masked it.

"Are you the wife of Lukas Miles and mother of Jaxson Miles?" One of them asked coldly.

"Yes." She answered more confident, then she felt.

The man motioned for her to step outside. She did as he asked and she didn't wince when he pulled a strange black rod from his back. He placed it against her chest and closed his eyes. A surge of electricity jolted through the rod and hit the woman and her baby. The shock made the woman collapse. Her hair was blackened, face grey, and the baby had fell from her arms. Little didn't any of them realize a girl was watching from a window. A girl who had just seen her mother and sister murdered.

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