A not so friendly reunion/a friendly conversation

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Lincoln Jr: who's Lincoln mommy?

Luna: no one sweetie..........why don't you get some candy *ruffles his hair causing him to laugh*

Lincoln Jr: *goes to find some candy to pick*

*Luna begins to ponder if her little brother was actually alive all this time*

Luna Loud POV: there's no way that Lincoln's alive! I mean if he is then I literally played god for no reason and brought Lincoln Jr into the world

Could this just be yet another story that one of Lana's Facebook friends spread around? If Lincoln is Alive then I'm glad he's not home with us? Mom would kill him if she found out

That he befriended five predatory dinosaurs but he's also known as a dinosaur king?! But on the other hand he'll be shocked, freaking out and angry that I cloned him and made my son!

Either way it's a lose-lose situation I need to find some answers! Maybe Stella knows what is going on?!

*Luna soon leaves with her child as he got himself Ace Savvy fruit snacks, Circus Peanuts Marshmallows, Gummy worms, an apple juice and a Hersey's chocolate bar*

Luna: man little dude you went out like a bandit!

Lincoln Jr: I did mommy didn't I?

Luna: you sure did sweetie

Lincoln Jr: yeah mommy

Luna: *thoughts* maybe I should find Lincoln to see if this rumor of being the dinosaur king is true or not

Lincoln Jr: what are you thinking of Mommy?

Luna: nothing sweetie

*she ruffles his hair, as we cut back to them in the car soon the family sees Goldstripe heading into the forest this gives Luna more determination to find Lincoln*

Luna: Sam

Sam: yes Luna?

Luna: let's follow this dinosaur

Sam: what? Why?

Luna: because while I was in the Gas Station, some people told me about a mysterious man called "The Dinosaur King" a man who befriends the De-extinct creatures and uses them to improve his life

And saves people from wild dinosaurs

Sam: yeah so?

Luna: the man told me he looked like a 15 year old boy with white hair

*This shocks Sam*

Sam: what?! That's impossible, Lincoln's dead!

Luna: we don't know if he is dead or not! If we find him we could see that if he's alive or not and if this rumor of this so called "Dinosaur King" is real

Sam: I don't know Luna, if Lincoln is alive and is this dinosaur king you're mother will hate his guts, since your pop-pop was killed by one of these Ingen dinosaurs

Luna: I know, and I don't care what mom will thank about him for now I want to find him, let's follow this dinosaur

*They drive to follow Goldstripe as we cut to Lincoln as he's enjoying himself as he's taking a little nap on his outdoor swing*

Lincoln: *snoring*

*Bumpy walks up to him*

Lincoln's GuardianOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora