Chapter III - This Language on Earth

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Annotation: At this point of the story, the reader (you) starts to appear. Reader = Y/N (means your name, so your fantasy will be questioned here. Just read Y/N as your actual name). The person is gender-neutral, so everyone can identify with the person in the story.

Y/N was standing in front of Keith and Jim, looking at those two big yellow wolves. Although, when Y/N looked closer at the height of the wolves, they were not that tall. Especially the left one was actually very small. Y/N hoped the wolves could not read any kind of mind. Could they?

Y/N! I just gave those two friendly creatures a banana.", your grandma said and smiled.

Y/N was a little confused about this situation. What were those two yellow creatures? Why did they look so happy and intrigued? And why was all this situation about bananas? So many questions in Y/Ns head.

Keith and Jim were really smart wolves. So, they could adapt their new learned knowledge about the human behavior pretty fast. As they did before, both lifted a hand to signal peace and harmony. To did what human beings would call „greeting". Just to wave the hand.

Y/N also lifted a hand to wave. The two wolves seemed to be friendly.

It is so fascinating how simple this move is.", said Keith intrigued and thrilled, while he lifted his hand up and down almost a hundred times what kind of looked a bit weird. Y/N looked at Keith with a confused face expression.

Stop this!", said Jim and softly slapped Keith's hand.

It seems to be confusing to this human being.", added Jim.

Oh, yo two extraterrestrial wolves are standing in front of a human being is not confusing? Jim, we are yellow. This is confusing. But when I lift my hand, it is more confusing? For sure.", said Keith in a joking, laughing and funny way.

We need to behave here. It is not our home planet, where you can do whatever you want."

It is not our home yet."

While Jim and Keith had this absolute funny mental conversation, Y/N was still standing in front of the two wolves with a lot of questions in your beautiful head. Y/N just decided to ask them. Even if Y/N did not really believe that the two creatures from outer space would understand them, it could not harm them to just ask them.

I-Iam sorry, Mister Wolves? Like, can I call you Mister? I mean, you are wearing suits, but I do not know if you actually identity as a Mr. Wolf.", Y/N tried to ask and to communicate.

Jim made a movement with his hand what signaled Y/N to continue.

So, I am sorry to ask this in such a way. But: Where are you from? You look so extra. Like you are from another dimension.", Y/N asked.

Keith and Jim looked at each other. They were very intelligent wolves, but they were not sure at all how they should be supposed to communicate right now. Of course this human being deserves some answers, but how?

Jim looked to his left and saw another human being. It was a male looking human being, wearing sunglasses just like Jim and Keith. Approximately, he was something what human beings would call a „middle age man". But most important: He looked very nice and friendly.

Oh yes, let choose him.", said Keith.

And at the same time, Keith and Jim moved their hands into the direction of this man. They raised their hands, pointing their fingers at this man and then, moving their fingers like they would try to possess him..

.. and this is what they actually did. Those two magical galaxy wolves were so incredibly intelligent and hyper futuristic space like developed, they just could control the mind of a human being with some small finger moves. They both felt a tickling touch inside their hands, but that was everything. Now they could communicate their thoughts through this man. He would be such a perfect translator!

I hope you do not mind if we control your mind for a while. I am sorry, but we really cannot speak the human language.", explained Jim to their new translator via mind talking.

Well. It is okay. My job was boring anyway.", the translator answered.

Y/N was watching this fascinated, but also with a lot of confused feelings.

So, Keith and Jim moved their fingers and pointed to the head of their new human translator to communicate with Y/N.

The translator seemed a bit surprised about this new condition he was in. It does not happen every day that two yellow wolves from outer space come to Earth and control your mind.

Now, the translator directly looked at Y/N.

They say their names are Jim and Keith, and they are originally based on the Moon. They are here for some adventures."

Y/N looked at Jim and Keith - now thankful for knowing their names - with big, wide eyes. Those two wolves were aliens? Literally aliens?

Y/N was a bit unsure about what to do or to say next. But they seemed so peaceful and filled with harmony. Y/N wanted to know more about them.

Wow! I imagined any living form from the outer space a little different. I did not know there are wolves outside of Earth."

Keith and Jim pointed at the translator again and moves their fingers to communicate with Y/N.

Yes. This is not the first time they hear that. Many creatures in the galaxy are a bit confused at first when they meet us the first time.", the translator said.

So, this is not your first stop? Then, what are you doing here?", Y/N asked.

This time, Keith and Jim needed a few seconds longer to communicate their thoughts, but the amazing translator got everything.

It is not their first stop. They travelled through the whole galaxy for many years - for more than a billion years. And they are looking for an amazing adventure!"

Y/N smiled softly and smirked. 

Well. Then, let us have some fun!"

Jim put his thumbs up as he was remembering that this was a human expression of „good idea - I like it, while Keith jumped in the air as he still forgot that the hard gravity on Earth was holding him back.

Are you ready for this adventure?

To be continued. 

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