"What?! What the hell are you talking about?" She snaps her head towards him.

"Calm down Vasudha. He always knew you won't believe him, so he never told you. It's not your fault though, he has  deliberately created this impression that makes people hate him, misunderstand  him and mostly fear him. But as I have promised to show you how much of a human he is, I think you should know. Ashroy belonged to Pattanayak's charitable society, just like some other homes, schools and so much more. Funny, the man who kept on molesting and taking advantage of small girls for so many years ran a charitable society, without getting caught. Because you know what, the system is like that, the more money you have the more crime you can do and nobody is there to stop you. So when the daughter of one of Dan's men went through this pathetic fate, the small girl came to me with his father. And Dan saw her, heard her. That's it, Pattanayak just couldn't understand what went wrong before he was roughly pulled out of his roots. She used to work for him, in one of his orphanages. And he didn't know what her father's profession was. So he got what he deserved, he received a small phone call, from the man who never cared about any police, any politician or any law. The man who did whatever he felt right. He could've killed him, easily. But trust me he is a sadist, he loves seeing people suffer, bleed, shout and beg for mercy, specially those who are rotten from the inside. This might sound cruel, but this is him, this is Dan." Nihal shoves his hands inside his pocket as he looks beside him, Vasudha's face paled from the impact of the truth. She isn't looking at him anymore, her eyes are fixed at the floor beneath, her mind stuck somewhere deep inside her thoughts.

"Before you ask more questions, I don't know why he forcefully made you stay with him. At first I thought it is because you've hurt his ego but as time went on it became clear as crystal to me that he feels something different, something stronger than that for you. Something that's making him break the walls around him." He shrugs his shoulders.

"Why doesn't he talk to me about anything? Why does he keep me in the dark? Why is he like this? His personality is confusing me. He would rather I hate him than know the truth?"
She almost shouts. The whole lot of new informations are playing with her patience.

"You really think that? I don't blame you though. I would rather say, he is a very closed off person Vasudha, but it's only you other than me and Ojas, who makes him put his guards down. You affect him in more than one ways. I hope you get to see that one day. However,  we don't have much time. Let's move towards the next hall." Nihal says as a small smile lights up his face and almost forcefully she pulls her eyes away from those kids who were learning things that might actually do them some good. With the hope that they will certainly shine in their life some day she takes a deep breath and follows  him.

If she was surprised by the last two halls, the huge hall infront of her takes away her breath. More so when she sees the man himself, standing amongst the kids, surrounded by this unusually strong aura. None of the kids seem more than ten years old. There are no chairs for them, comfortable sitting mats are placed on the floor infront of these cute little tables. Beside the smallest kids there are some women sitting, helping them eat their food. She assumes they are staffs, they have been assigned to do this work. The older ones are eating on their own though. At one corner there stands some five huge open cupboards which are filled with clothes. That's when her eyes falls on him again, wearing his mask, he is walking around in his suit and pant, probably even talking to the kids. She watches him advancing towards one particular seat near the glass and her heart warms up. Sitting at the table is little Ali, the woman beside him is having a hard time feeding him with this spoon. Danuj pulls his trousers upwards and kneels infront of him. Lowering his head he talks to him about something and the woman sitting beside him leaves smilingly. Vasudha keeps watching him curiously but Nihal's eyes remain fixed on her. He keeps observing her.

Vasudha watches him standing up and leaving the place for some minutes but he returns almost immediately. His black suit is discarded, he is now in his white shirt. He brings out a handkerchief from inside his pocket and wipes his hands, which means he might have washed his hands. Vasudha's heart beat increases when she witnesses the most heart warming sight ever. The huge giant of a man sits beside this tiny kid on the floor and uses his right hand to feed him food from his plate. The child that was throwing a tantrum just a few seconds ago eats comfortably from his hands.

Her eyes start stinging with tears. She tries very hard, very hard to contain the tears but fails as they trail down her cheeks. She places both of her hands on the glass as if to touch him for once while he opens up the untainted part of his soul to this child without any walls, any barriers. Her lips tremble as this unknown feeling grows inside her and makes her feel awkward. She feels like running towards him and pulling him into a tight hug. A hug that'll seal their fate forever. Why could she not see who this man is? Why was she blinded by this veil of negativity for so long?

Nihal on the other hand watches her thoroughly. Watches how this woman's feelings have changed from utter hostility to immense affection. How she doesn't even know that she has fallen, fallen deep for the man she kept considering as the most vile human being. The pride she feels for Danuj, the way her eyes are glowing right now explains how much she has started feeling for him. That's when her mouth releases the inevitable words,

"You know what Nihal, there is a phrase that says "Once a king always a king". Today my belief on that phrase is strengthened. And I promise there will be a day when this man will get everything that a person like him deserves. He will restore back the faith, the respect people had on him, he will get to walk outside without that mask, he will be treasured the way a man like him should be. I'll make sure of that." Vasudha says emphasizing on the last line. Her words raises hope inside Nihal as well as a weird suspicion.




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Love, Puja.💜

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