Chapter 4: Animosity Aside

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Aside from an odd pang of disappointment, Penelope sighed a breath of relief when Colin didn't turn up to the next ball.

However, she felt her breath get caught in her throat when she locked eyes with Eloise, not unlike when she met Colin's gaze the other night. The Bridgerton girl once again had her arm linked with Anthony's. Her older brother was engaged in a conversation with the same gentleman from the other night, but Eloise wasn't even pretending to be interested this time.

Gripping onto her skirt, Penelope watched as Eloise sheepishly excused herself from her brother's conversation and waded through the crowd towards the drinks table on the opposite side of the hall, where she surprised the chattering mamas, married older sisters and spinsters. Now that she was even further away from her, Penelope allowed herself to relax.

She glanced around the rest of the hall. Lady Danbury seemed to be intimidating a trio of anxious debutantes, though all she was really doing was talking to them. Kate and Violet Bridgerton were conversing with a young man who must have been another of Eloise's prospective suitors. Penelope's own mama was annoying the small group of mamas, older sisters and spinsters that were at the drinks table where Eloise...had been.

Eloise was gone.

Penelope's eyes darted around the room in a frantic attempt to locate Eloise, but her efforts were to no avail. She wasn't with Anthony, or Kate and Violet, she was-

"Hello." a stiff, courteous voice greeted.

Penelope jumped a little as she looked to her side. Eloise was standing beside her, though there was more space between them than there used to be.

"Oh, Eloise." Penelope replied with a nod, her voice trembling slightly. "Hello."

There were a few seconds of silence between them, a silence that prevailed despite the smooth hum of the string quartet and the blur of chatter and laughter that resounded throughout the room. Neither of them looked at one another, Penelope's eyes locked on the floor and Eloise's fixed straight ahead.

Penelope swallowed her saliva. She glanced over at Eloise, then resumed looking down once again.


"Colin told us what he said about you." Eloise stated matter of factly. She didn't seem to have heard Penelope, or perhaps she had no interest in hearing whatever she had to say. Not that Penelope actually knew what she had to say.

Eloise glanced over at her former friend, who didn't notice. Penelope's cheeks reddened, and a familiar feeling crept into her chest. It was the same asphyxiating mortification she had been subjected to time and time again.

"I can cast aside whatever animosity there is between us to tell you that I am truly sorry about what he said. It's absolutely appalling that he would say such a thing about any young woman so publicly." Eloise continued. Her eyes softened, but her stoic expression and firm voice didn't follow.

"I hope he will make it up to you somehow. You deserve that much."

Penelope finally dared to look up, but all she caught was the swishing skirt of Eloise's dress as she disappeared into the crowd.

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