"Mr. Stark, sir," you squeak out, "I wasn't informed we would have a high profile client in the building today. Of course, of course, here's your guest badge. I will just sign you in here -"

"Don't bother. Williams? Call this woman's boss's boss's boss. I'm sure they expect better out of their employees." He gestures pointedly at one of the few men in his entourage before security allows him and his men to walk past them unbothered.

"Shit, " you sigh to yourself.

You pull your messages up on your screen but nope. There isn't a single one informing you that Tony fucking Stark is going to come in today. You drag your hands down your tired face and then smile brightly at the woman who places her badge down on the counter a few minutes later.

Badge after badge, check in after check in, you force yourself to focus so you don't make another mistake. The longer the morning goes, the more difficult it gets to keep up your customer service voice.

The computer makes a loud ding. The emblem for the company messaging system is flashing down in the corner of the screen. Your shoulders tense as you stare at it for a few seconds before dragging your mouse pointer over to click on it.

A little box expands onto your screen. The little notification dot is beside your name. There are company wide chats, department wide chats, and personal ones. The personal ones don't get used very often.

Your shift is over after your lunch break as you are clearly ill and need to take some time off. Melissa will cover the rest of your shift.

Terri Jones, HR

Oh, well that wasn't as bad as expected. You can work with that. The adrenaline leaks out of your system as you let out a heavy sigh.

About half an hour later you pack your things, and say hello and goodbye to Melissa all in the same breath. The cheerful redhead got there earlier than you expected. You check your watch just to make sure. Of course she did. You start the walk back to your apartment. Might as well just eat at home if you don't have to head back to your desk.

You hear a small roar of noise as you round a corner between two buildings. The voices are a jumble of chaos to your ears, you can't pick out what they are saying. What you do see are a hundred or more angry faces and signs with anti-superhero slogans.

Who Are They Avenging?

We Are Just Collateral Damage!

No More Heroes!



The commotion is currently being held back from spilling into the streets by very stressed members of the NYPD, but only barely. A water bottle full of gravel bounces off of a riot shield on the other side of a hastily constructed fence. The shouting from both sides is so loud the words are jumbled and almost unintelligible. What the hell happened while you were at work? These people are going to spill out into the main streets soon. The crowd is pretty small, but it is growing steadily.

Anti-superhero sentiment isn't as uncommon as people would like to believe it is. Turns out people don't like to feel inferior.

Ducking down an alley to avoid the commotion, your head spins with the chaos of the day. It's not even lunch and something seriously wrong is just in the hanging air like a heavy fog. It's palpable. A few people shove past you to go join the crowd of protestors.

The rest of the short walk home is for the most part quiet.

As you climb the stairs, walk down your hallway, and go through your door the only thing you can see in your mind is the faces of the crowd twisted in anger. You drop your bag by the door and flop onto your couch before turning the news on.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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