Chapter 7

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James is practically radiating happiness at you from across the table. If you didn't know better, you would swear he's giggling. "Wanna get out there again after you have time to rest your feet?" he asks, a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Woah, there, soldier. You might be used to that but I am very not," you respond while kicking your shoes off, "My feet hurt!"

He lets out a loud huff. "That was nothing. The songs were slow! I haven't gotten to really teach you to dance!"

 Mary walks back around the corner with fresh drinks. She sits them on your table quietly and walks off. "Here's your chance. Go dance with the girl. I'm the only one here that's winded, clearly," you say, determined to keep this friendly and not dipping into date territory although you seem to be failing.

His smile falters slightly and he sighs, "Oh, okay fine. Be that way. But for the record, I would rather be out there with you."

He gets up and catches her around the waist at the edge of the dancefloor. She excitedly agrees to dance and he whisks her off to the floor. You watch them expertly glide around the floor like this has happened a million times before and you suddenly understand her reaction to you. It almost makes you wish you were a better dancer. 

The song gets significantly more upbeat and they were a blur of kicks and flips. They are clearly used to this and each other, and so is the rest of the bar as most of them filter in to stand along the edges and watch. You knew there is no way you could keep up with that so you just sigh and pick at what was left of your food.

Your phone pings so quietly you barely hear it. You glance down to see a text from Natalie.

<<Hey, sugar! How's the date? ;) - N>>

<<It's not a date. *You* said it wasn't a date. And currently...well....>>

You snap a photo of James and the waitress on the dancefloor and quickly attach it and hit send.

<<Why is he...?! Ugh. That bastard is infuriating. I swear. I will knock him into next Tuesday. - N>>

<<Chill! I told him to! It's *not a date* remember?>>

<<Yes, but...- N>>

<<No buts. Besides, she started giving him doe eyes as soon as we came in the door. You should have seen it.>>

<<I have. She always does. Enough about that. Of all the things in his closet, he pulled out his old uniform? *whistle* He doesn't do that often. Bad memories attached to that thing. He must have definitely wanted your attention. - N>>


<<Nothing. Nevermind. Enjoy the rest of your not-a-date. Stop letting him dance with other girls. ;) - N>>

Confused at the sudden slight pangs of jealousy that hit you out of the blue, you pound back your drink and a second later, his too. That is probably your first mistake of the night because your head is fuzzy by the time he lands back in the seat opposite you barely even breathing heavy. His grin faltering as he looks down at the table and both empty glasses. He looks back up at you with a concerned expression.

"You okay, doll?" he questions you, reaching across and lifting your chin between his thumb and forefinger so you have to look him in the face.

"Me? Yeah. M'fine. Sorry, I kinda drank both of them," you say, yawning.

He sighs and waves Mary back down for the check. "I think it's time we get you home before you're too tipsy to hang on for the drive. I shouldn't have walked away from the table, even if you told me to. I was an irresponsible date. I'm sorry," he breathes with no small measure of guilt. You start to reach into your purse for your card and he grabs your wrist. "No, ma'am. A lady doesn't pay her own dinner bill. That's not the way things work."

"I'll hav' you know, I can afford both of myself. I don't like owing people anything," you grumble and tug against his hold but clearly not going to be able to break loose - even lightly held you aren't going to be able to budge him. You sigh and resign yourself to your fate. "Fine! But I'm payin' next time."

He snorts, his shoulders bouncing with the force of the choked down laughter. "One, you gave me exactly what you would have owed occasion to teach a beautiful girl to dance. I would expect nothing else. Two, you just said 'next time'. You mean it?"

"James, I've had a wonderful night. I didn't expect to, but I have. I didn't know what I expected when I met you, but this definitely isn't it, " you respond with sincerity in a moment of drunken clarity.

"Are we sure I shouldn't just call you a cab?" he says, half joking. He finishes paying for the dinner and tucks his card back into his pocket before standing. Placing his hat squarely back on his head again, he smooths out the fabric of his jacket before offering you his hand.

You were tipsy, not completely drunk. But playing it up a little kept the arm of the beautifully uniformed soldier around your waist and you were, in fact, tipsy enough to be enjoying that.

However, by the time you arrive back at your apartment everything had hit your system and you were queasy and tired. You only barely noticed but for the entire ride home he was steering with one hand, the other clasped around your wrists and holding you there like a seatbelt just in case.

Dating Game ☆ Bucky x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu