Ch 1 - Morning Coffee

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You have been getting your breakfast and your coffee before work at the same coffeehouse nearly since you moved to New York City. It isn't fancy but it's home. With the absolute chaos this city has seen over the last few months, something familiar is comforting. Today, however, is not a workday, you just wanted some early morning fresh air.

Going to the same place every single morning has its benefits. They learn what you like and now hardly ever ask you. Caramel latte and an everything bagel - same thing, every morning. You become friends with the baristas and sometimes you even become friends with the other regulars. Sometimes your normal corner has other occupants in it and it forces you to make awkward small talk while shoving a bagel in your face.

Not many places in NYC drew a friendly crowd but this old coffeehouse sure pulls in people who like to tell their life stories to strangers with its bright cushions, cheerfully sketched on chalkboards, and soft jazz. And that's exactly what happened about two weeks ago. You made a new friend.


You were sliding your money across the cheap linoleum counter to the smiling redhead behind it when a small, lithe blond in biking shorts and a tank top bumped gently into your shoulder and dropped her coffee. She squeaked as the hot liquid splashed out across the floor.

"Oh my goodness! Ugh. Figures. It's been one of those days. I'm sorry I bumped into you, I just wasn't paying attention," she sighed as her eyes appeared to tear up in the corners.

"Oh no, honey! You're fine. No harm no foul, ya know? You look like you're having a rough one. You like caramel?" you said as you flagged down an employee for the spill. "Hey, Cara? Can I get a second one of those when you get a second? I'll pay before I head out."
The anxious woman beside you gave you a faint smile. "Oh, you don't have to do that. Seriously."

"No, no. I insist. Just pay it forward someday," you smiled and passed her your untouched coffee. You weaved through the handful of people that were milling about the shop and squeezed through a few too tight spaces between brightly colored stools and tall bar tables towards your usual spot in front of the window. Here, instead of sometimes off balanced stools or chairs were benches with soft pillows and low tables. Magazines and newspapers were always scattered across the tops of the tables as people forgot to put them back in the racks around the shop.

You sat your bagel on the corner of one of the tables and snatched up what you assumed was today's issue of the New York Times.

"I just wanted to say thank you, again. People are never that sweet to me! Natalie - my name is Natalie," she said as she held her hand out to shake yours after taking the seat across from you, "You're a regular here, too? I think I've seen you a couple of times."

"Yeah, I'm here every morning," you responded.

"Mind if I keep you company?"


That new friend, Natalie, bounces happily through the door this morning like usual. Her blonde hair skims the shoulders of her burgundy short-sleeved shirt and black leggings are hugging her thighs. Her green eyes seem to be sparkling more than usual. This time she has a man trudging behind her looking very much like a scolded puppy. He shuffles behind her with his hands jammed into his pockets. His scuffed dark brown leather jacket is worn thin in spots and clearly well taken care of. His dark blue shirt is loose fitting but looks touchably soft. He has black Yankees cap as low down on his brow as he can manage, the brim is worked into a sharp curve from a significant amount of fidgeting with it. Well-fitted jeans and combat boots just as battered as his jacket finish the outfit and he couldn't look more uncomfortable.

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