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That one sudden visit from Prem turned into almost an every-other-day thing as time goes by

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That one sudden visit from Prem turned into almost an every-other-day thing as time goes by. The first time he came in my house unannounced, he was actually just intending to return the review book that I lend him a month ago. He said he didn't need it anymore, that he thought he could easily ace the exam. I adore the kid's confidence, I'll give him that. 

Anyway as I was saying, this thing where he comes in my house for a random visit became an every-other-day thing - not that I mind, actually. Prem's a good company, surprisingly. The tension between us, the awkwardness from the first time we bonded alone together, is nowhere to be seen now. He's been in my house maybe around, five to six times already and as crazy as this may sound but, I feel comfortable with him now. I found out that we've got a lot of things in common, somewhat. I like cooking, he likes baking. We both aren't really good with any outdoor sports and would rather stay indoors. We both have adoration towards the sky - I love the sunrise and he loves sunsets. We both would rather choose those corny romcom films than watch any action or superhero movies. Things like that, small things but still, somewhat similarities that we have.

I learned that he's a freshie in college. He said that he got held back by two years since something came up - he was supposed to be in the same year as Fluke. I didn't ask him what it was since it seemed heavy, a touchy story, I figured. I learned that he's actually friends with my brother and Coo since he got introduced to them by Samantha. Samantha and him are on the same year. I learned that though he's taking up Interior Design, he's still unsure as to what he'd actually want to do after college, saying that the thought of choosing a career intimidates him so much so he chose something without so much of a thought.

That's also something that I get about him - being unsure and kind of anxious about what the future holds for him. Though I kind of know that deep down, he knows what he wants to pursue as a career, he just isn't sure how he'd push through with it, if that makes sense.

Overall, considering our age gap, I like Prem. It's actually weird how fast we've grown close. I know, that might've sounded strange but that's how I've been feeling recently. He's easy to get along with. Also, he seems to know what to say every time. I'm usually an awkward person whenever I'm with people that I newly meet but with him, everything just clicks as if puzzle pieces that were cut into perfect lines. 


Today is Saturday and I woke up having a weird heavy feeling weighing me down at the lower part of my body. I feel so heavy, somewhat, if that makes sense. I groaned, rolling over to look at my bedside clock, seeing a flash of "11:48 am" on it. I coughed a bit, now being in denial of the thought of being actually sick. I hate being sick, always have. I usually just brush off the thought of being sick even though my nose is really stuffy or my throat feels like it's sore from coughing continuously. It's something that I grew to adapt to - being sick and having to keep it to myself. When we were little, Fluke was always sick. May it be a common cold, a flu, you name it, Fluke always catches it. He was such a frail child back then and my parents always told me that I should always, always take good care and look after my brother. Since then, I never wanted for any one to take care of me and instead, I learned to hide my sickness or whatever this I'm feeling from everyone. I would always rather take care of other people than them taking care of me. 

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