wheres my love

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poker face blasted into her ear by the young preteens of girls that shamelessly laughed and joked with heavy accents dragging out the words in an obnoxious manner.unlike the older woman and elder men whose face suken into distaste and disgust of such noise. tiikeri didn't really care.

an aged melancholy look painted upon her face yet her mind hidden away safely in the storage of stories she had written down for safe keeping in the worn journal keep in the rucksack she has been forced to sit by her feet as another took the seat.The coolness of the window allowed the heat of the gaze from the man who had quite rudely demanded the seat despite the many free seats around them

tiikeri known by 'rawiya' was as her name said a storyteller, well more or less, ever since she was young she loved stories finding the impossible in truths an escape to worlds unlike the one she was stuck in when she hit 16 she ran, she ran as far as her feet took her .

leading her to an older woman blind as a bat with inhuman instincts the older woman took the chubby child in and told her the story of how she was blinded by a Finnish soldier who had transformed into a beast belonging to the moon.the two fell in love yet he was killed by a tonic made by the older man's son who had been tricked by a master of drums ever since then little tiik's mind wrapped and warped into stories.

How could she stay when there was so much to learn? She needed to learn more, see more, to know that the world out there wasn't just cruel. so she chased after all those stories she could.This  ended up with more downfalls to those around her take her sister for example she loved rose she did but the two bashed heads a lot.

Rawiya thought rose insensitive, rude, and easily jealous while rose thought Rawiya was too sensitive, Pessimistic and Secretive.Rawiya could see some of rose's points Rawiya always been prepared with a backup plan emotionally prepared for something going wrong a tendency that rubs people the wrong way

and it was true she was secretive, she is secretive, and she tended to keep to herself but in fairness to her she has first-hand experience with what happened when those secrets leaked out to someone who can never understand despite how much they wished.Their mother being the main example of this, Jackie Tyler tried to hide how she felt almost left behind by her daughter so desperate for the girl to have some comfort the older woman tried desperately to get the girl some friends her age to share her struggles

Yeah,that turned out not so great because as it turned out no normal teen had their father try to kill them every day since their birth until he overzealously raced down the stairs his weak and old bones failing him and saving the young 14 year old Rawiya who was sprayed in the face with his blood as his jugular made it's home into his own weapon,which was once used to maim her.yeah.

She could still hear the ghosts of her mother screams and cry's as the paramedic handed her over with regretful and pitiful eyes but jackie hadn't been quite done with hurling her insults at the still warm corpse of a regretful one night stand.what that man had done to Rawiya wasn't something that could be forgotten despite how desperately the girls tried to.

the jolt of the wheels straining to a stop jolted her mind back to the present all to aware of the larger stunk breath of the track suited middle-aged man whose fading hair desperately clung on to his flaking sunburnt scalp.the sigh that left her lips was held back having noticed that the man had assumed her silence was to egg him on for more conversation believing his own words worthy of listening to. considering she hadn't told him to piss off yet, seeing that he wouldn't move without starting argument,they never do, rawiya eyes rolled over to the front in the rows of empty seats

Rawiya chose the other path getting up from her seat knowing this was going to suck due to the recently healed ankle

''..you know what I mean sweetheart'' the man's voice carried on, she didn't, choosing to ignore him in favour of kicking her worn-out combat boot over the seat in front of her the smelling Moquette fabric of blues and purples barely even softened under her boot but she didn't really care as the man had started to drone on again something about a program she wasn't listening hoping to leave before he realized she didn't give a damn

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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