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Tsunayoshi Sawada, a young 13 year old middle schooler, has failing grades, horrible at sports, and has a twin brother who is the complete opposite of him, bullied and called names like no good Tsuna or Dame-Tsuna, but no one from his peers ever bullied him in his presence, no one dared to call him names whenever he is near and can hear them,the reason why ? They feared him, one incident that will haunt those who had witnessed how cruel the brunette truly is beneath his innocent looks.

He has another nickname, one whispered by all who have witnessed how the innocent looking brunette turns into a monster worthy enough to be call the devil himself, Demon-Tsuna.

"Just because I had been generous enough to ignore your childish bullying, it doesn't mean that I will not retaliate when you start to cross the line, female or male, I will not hold back" Tsunayoshi had said that with an audience as he mercilessly slaughtered the delinquents who dared to extort money from him.

That had been the first incident that happened in front of the school gates, Hibari Kyoya, the demon prefect of Namimori, had bitten to death the already half dead delinquents, Tsunayoshi was already gone the moment the prefect arrived, and so he had not been bitten to death.

Similar incidents happened when the bullies did not get the message, many were sent to the hospital, even a single insult would land you to the hospital for a few days, all this and no one had proof it had been him, because every time a teacher or one of the disciplinary members arrive, Tsunayoshi would be gone in an instant.

Demon-Tsuna, -not one of the adults would believe he could be capable of ever hurting anyone-, short in stature and deceptively innocent looking, big heterochromatic eyes, one a hazel brown color with hues of red and gold, and the other the same color as molten gold mixed with orange, pale skin and fluffy light brown colored hair, he looked weak and looked liked one who is being bullied, but not everyone knows his personality, and his personality can certainly intimidate many people.

Face stone hard without any emotion aloof and expressionless most of the time, eyes blank and harsh and filled with promises of great agony and pain to those who would dare try and hurt him, a small angelic smile graces his angelic face whenever anyone does try to hurt him, because every time that happens he will bathe in his victims blood and listen with glee to the screams of pain,- of coarse he doesn't kill anyone......yet-. He was a loner and liked to keep his distance with his peers, even to his own family, he treats everyone with cold indifference and like strangers.

He wasn't always like this, -once a long time ago, when he was a lot more younger-, he had been innocent and loving, naive and clueless, accepting to all and very meek and timid, he had been warm and filled with much joy, that was, until he noticed how he was treated by his so called "family".

It all started with one little accident that everything changed, he had been 2 years old at that time, and plus he didn't know any better.

11 years ago was when he awakened all Ten of his flames, And 11 years ago was when he started seeing the people he lived with as strangers.

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