7: Just caught in the moment...

Start from the beginning

She repeated the same process she did with Sirius. James had a large scratch on his leg and on his back which got healed. Peter had some small scratches, she healed that too.

"It hurts you, doesn't it? Healing us gives you the pain we are feeling." James asked sadly. Josette nodded. "Then why did you do it?"

"Because you are my family." She smiled at them.

"Thanks." Both said in unison. For some time they didn't say anything until James broke the silence "How did you do it?"

"I have special powers." Josette was feeling sad about lying to her friends.

"What special powers??"

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you." She looked down sadly. The boys just nodded.

Sirius was still unconscious; he was fully healed but he still needed to rest to regain his energy. James was sleeping supporting his back to the tree an arm around Josette's shoulder her head resting on his chest. But she was awake as she had to focus on to keep the barrier up. Peter's head was on the outgrown root and was sound asleep.

It was four a clock in the morning when Sirius woke up with a start. Josette slipped from James's side and went towards him sitting beside him. "Hey its fine. Everyone's asleep." She whispered.

Sirius touched his neck to inspect the bite but got confused when he found nothing. "It's ok, I healed it." He grabbed her hand and led them away from their sleeping friends.

"How did you do it? It was large bite?" he asked.

"With magic." She shrugged.

"Even madam Pomfery can't heal this way. There's not even a mark left!!" He whispered yelled

"I have special magic."

"What kind of special magic? And don't you dare say 'I can't tell you.'" Sirius hissed grabbing both of her arms standing so close to her.

"I can't tell you." She whispered looking down.

"There you go again. Why can't you trust us? We are your best friends Jo. I get worried about you. You stay alone. You don't even tell us about your parents!! Why do you keep so many secrets?" Sirius shouted making her flinch.

"Then why do you care so much. Don't do it. I don't deserve it, not even a bit." Josette said looking him in the eyes.

"Because.. because..." Sirius didn't know what to say. He was standing so close to her that all he wanted to do was kiss her.

"Because?" She whispered. She was looking him in the eyes and slowly he started to lean in. She didn't know what to do so she just stood still. Her breath hitched when their lips almost touched but a howl snapped them back to reality.

Sirius backed away and started running towards the wolf Josette following behind still trying to process what just happened. She almost kiss Sirius Black!!!! She was feeling disappointed that it didn't happen and excited because it was going to happen. Her emotions were all confused.

Same goes with Sirius he couldn't believe that he almost kissed his best friend. Sirius has a crush on her since last year. He thought it was just a simple crush and it will go away but it never did. Now he almost kissed her and she didn't back away. Does she feels the same?

Goddess of Death. Sirius Black |Marauders Era| Where stories live. Discover now