4: What Nightmares??

Start from the beginning

"Mar, pinch me. Did Josette Hart really agreed to what others said!!!" Lily said dramatically and Josette rolled her eyes.



It was 2'o clock at night and Josette stood outside the Marauders dorm. First she thought of going to the girls but she hasn't told them about her nightmares and in these 2 years she's been close to the Marauders more than the Lily. She tells them everything, maybe not everything but more than what she shares with Lily.

Lily is her best friend and there's nothing wrong in telling her but she worries about Josette a lot and Josette doesn't want to burden her with her problems. It's not like the boys don't care for each other; they do. It's the bond between them that they trust each other with everything. Though Remus hasn't told her about his furry little problem but she understands, it's a huge thing. Surely he will tell her when he thinks it time to.

There was cursing and shouting on the other side when the door finally opened. "Jo, what are you doing here?? It's-" James looked at the clock in their dorm "2 am."

"Who's there??" Came Remus's voice from inside.

"Can I sleep with you guys. Daphne kicked me out of my dorm because I was shouting in sleep." Josette mumbled looking down.

"Of course, of course. Come in." he stepped aside and she walked in.

"Jo, what happened??" Remus asked. Sirius and Peter were still asleep.

"Nightmares, got kicked out of my own dorm."

"Come here." James patted the left side of his bed. Josette sat down beside him and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. James cares about her like his own sister, he always stands up for her against the Slytherins, even if she doesn't need it, she can take care of them herself. But she likes it when someone else does that for her. He brings her chocolates and treats every time she is sad and two boxes of his mother's special brownies on every Christmas. She send and receive gifts from her friends on Christmas but Josette still doesn't celebrate Christmas, she's alone on that day in her house.

James soothed the girl rubbing stress reliving circles on her bare arm. James slowly felt her weight on his shoulder as she leaned into his touch, that night Josette fell asleep calmly, even when she abruptly woke from nightmares, James stayed and soothed her back to sleep until morning officially came.

"Who's going to wake them up?" Peter whispered.

"Shhh, let them sleep, she hasn't had a full night sleep in ages." Sirius whispered yelled.

"They look cute." Remus smiled looking at them.

"Thanks." Josette mumbled and opened her eyes startling the others.

"You were awake??" she nodded and quietly slipped passed the sleeping James.

"I think you should visit Madam Pomfery. Maybe she can give you some Dreamless sleep potion." Remus advised.

"Okay, I'll go to her after classes."


23 September: Transfiguration Classroom.

It's been three weeks into the new term and classes are going on well, lots of homework and assignments. Josette visited Madam Pomfery and she gave her the dreamless sleep potion. Josette didn't get nightmares when she drank that. But Madam Pomfery didn't let her use it every day as 'you can't depend on that for too long.' So she still get the nightmares sometimes but it's better than before.

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