Jaune: I was wondering if you could help me study for this upcoming test?

Weiss: And why would I help a faker like you?

Jaune: Hey I was just asking, you could have just said no.

Weiss: Listen Jaune, you don't deserve to be here one bit. I honestly don't even know why Ozpin even let you stay here.

Jaune was about to say something only to be cut off by Weiss.

Weiss: But nothing, your nothing but a useless dolt who will either get in people's way or get yourself or someone killed.

She walks away from him leaving him by himself.

Flashback end

Blake...was mostly neutral because she herself lied to get into beacon. But she only told jaune as to show that he at least had her support. Lastly was Ruby...


Jaune was standing in the hall by himself. His eyes dull thinking of what to do with himself. Until he turned around to see ruby with tears threatening to fall.

Ruby: Jaune, why did you do it? I thought you wanted to help people.

To which confused him he was about to respond only to be cut off by a slap by Ruby only to see a trail of rose petals.

Flashback end

Then there was team JNPR. The first one was pyrrah who slapped him and belittled him and decided to go out with Cardick. Safe to say it broke his heart badly to the point where he almost became emotionless.

Then there was Ren who socked him in the jaw though it hurt he didn't even react. At this point he was numb to it, the pain...the heart ache...the loneliness. He yelled at him saying that he could have gotten Nora killed.

Then last was Nora. She didn't hate Jaune because of the transcripts but she didn't want to be around him anymore. To which they had a brief conversation before going their separate ways only for Jaune to tell her that he understands. Basically Nora and Jaunes relationship was within a grey area.

As he kept walking he stumbled on other students in the halls giving him the stink eye, whispering things about him. But yet he didn't even bother caring. He just wanted all this to end. It was bad enough that his family basically abandoned him. With the exception of Saphron and her family. But they couldn't even have a say in anything.

Somewhere else

???: Please! You have to let us do this!!

???: Come on! We all hate those guys!

???:...Even still where would you send him?

???: We already came up with that!

???:...*Sigh* Well I guess I'll let this slide but don't screw this up.

???: Since when do we screw things up?
He says as they both left.

???: *sigh* Idiots...

With the two individuals

We see them walking down a corridor practically race walking.

???: So you good?

???: How do you think I am?

???: Hey try and keep your cool. Remember I still have the gates primed and ready just incase.

???: I'm still surprised that you can even use them. I myself have tried and still can't.

???: It takes alot of time and practice. That's all I'm going to say.

Back on Remnant

As he kept walking he thought about all the things that have happened.

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