Act 1 Part 1

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[A/N: So this fanadventure would also involve you, the reader to make the choices whenever I put the ==>???]

Aria Kenzier, a girl of young age who has just recently turned 13 a few months ago. A fan of birds and other feathered creatures and a lover of slacking off. Here she is, watching from the window intently, awaiting a particular game that both she and her friends will soon play. Unfortunately, her sister has grounded her in her room and her only escape route is the window.

What will she do now?

>Aria: Break out

She grabs her strife specibus, fncngswrdkind and aims very, very carefully at the glass window. With a quick run from the furthest point of her room, she attacks the window with a sharp jab from her fncngswrdkind. The glass...just cracks a little. She frowns in displeasure at this turn of events and does another little run when-

Oh man, someone's pestering her now on Pesterchum. The rings won't stop! This is getting irritating, she bets it one of those weird typing fellas who know no bounds to pestering people.

>Aria: Answer RR

She reluctantly answers the purple text person who is really mean, not as mean as a particular black text one though.

[Show Pesterlog]

rampantRager [RR] began trolling dazedPixie [DP]

RR: hello there aria, i 5aw you 5taring out of your window like an idiot ju5t now

RR: how wa5 it, 5taring like an idiot? >XD

DP: oh ist yuo

DP: honstely y do u alwyas liek to irirteat me rr. its atcaully rel crpeey tht u cn c me...

RR: oh plea5e it's a troll thing. 5omething which YOU can NEVER under5tand! >XD

DP: uh ok?

DP: so wats ur resonn of tlkiang to me?

RR: well, let'5 ju5t 5ay, i am going to guide you through your game~

RR: you, out of all your little "friend5" are quite the mo5t intere5ting one

RR: whether you choo5e to belief whatever i tell you to do, depend5 becau5e i do love to 5crew thing5 up for people >XD

DP: oh man! are u kding me?! gsh rr if u put it dat wy obvsiously i wont let u gide me

DP: i aldy noe dat u aint gon b trswtry. evry1 noes dat sessh

RR: awwwww, i am flattered! >XO

RR: hahahahahahahah! you 5ure do know how to make good choice5 5urpri5ingly, compared to your text ken2ier

DP: ...

RR: anyway5, i will be guiding you AND making thing5 hard for YOU!!!

RR: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I 5ure AM looking forward to me55ing with you 5ome time later!

rampantRager [RR] ceased trolling dazedPixie [DP]

[Close Pesterlog]

>Aria: Ignore RR's taunts

She tries to ignore that purple text person's taunts but her words have left her worrying about what could come soon. Perhaps she shouldn't play this game after all? But no! Her friends are really looking forward to playing this new game and she'd hate being left out of the latest stuff. She also doesn't want to let them down.

Aria turns back to the window and look around her room and grabs her chest and with a mighty heave, she attempts to fling it at the window, only resulting in her accidentally throwing herself out of it as well. Oh no!!! Fortunately, her sister happens to be out there as well and with a swift movement, Aria is safe and sound. Her sister...doesn't seem to be quite happy with her actions however and immediately after getting down from her grip, they strife!

CUE STRIFE (play the media!!!)

With a swift attack she swings her fncngswrd at her sister who blocks with a dinosaur action figure before throwing it, tail first at her. She does a roll out of the way and quickly jumps up in the air, her fncngswrd kind aimed at the sister who gets grazed as she jumped back immediately and with pterodactyl action figures, fires it at Aria. She gets hurt before rolling out of the way of a few more action figures. She then spars one on one with her sister with a T-Rex action figure, continuously exchanging blows. Eventually, the sister loses her grip on the T-Rex and Aria deals the finishing blow! She has won the strife!

Now she heads towards the mailbox and gets the turquoise blue box containing the SBURB game they are so excited to play.

>Aria: Abscond

Before her sister recovers, she captchalogues the box and flees into the house and back into her room before opening the box. Yes, now she's going to tell her friends about it!

>Aria: Contact friends

You decide to contact the one who had pulled all of you into this in the first place, a buddy of yours who's a real geek about astrology and lunar stuff.

[Show Pesterlog]

dazedPixie [DP] began pestering eclipticLunarian [EL]

DP: heeeeyyyyyy, luas! i gt d tg!

EL: Oh why then thats amazin' arken!

DP: hehe, arkn. honstely d nem sonds so col lk hk

EL: Is that so lil Ari?

EL: Anyways have you run the game yet?

DP: gona as sn as d oths tell me bt it

EL: Treading carefully I see? I got the game myself and its talking about server and client players

EL: I agree with you though we should make sure everyone has the game with them first

DP: yp. i noe itll be fun

DP: tho jstnow rr msgd me

EL: RR? You mean the purple text one who types with 5s and 2s?

DP: yp

EL: Huh and what did she say?

DP: abt gidng me thru d gem

EL: Okay...well...I dont think its wise to trust her so easily. Stay alert and make sure you dont get tricked

EL: Well I have stuff to do now and LuAn has pestered me about it

EL: I wonder if she got the game as well then well just have to wait for NaYe

DP: tru

DP: wll, c ya

dazedPixie [DP] ceased pestering eclipticLunarian [EL]

[Close Pesterlog]

Now that that's gone, how about she start running the game? In the meantime, let's check on someone else.

Who shall we check on?

==> EL

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