chapter 4 (smut)

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im bored so heres another chapter 4 u guys and a little smut ;) *wink*

//rape, smut//

Quackity pov

I had washed my face after I nearly dozed off on the floor, I decided to go out to see whether they're done bickering or not. 

I sighed as I stepped out of the bathroom, Niki was gone and Wilbur was sitting on the couch flipping through a book absentmindedly. He looked up when I closed the door and beckoned for me to sit down next to him, I narrowed my eyes at him but went over slowly and sat on the other end of the couch, as far away from him as I could get. 

He chuckled and slid from his spot next to me, I tried to move away but he snaked his arm around my waist, and his other hand blocking me from sliding off the couch. 

I growled and tried to push him back with both my hands but I was too weak with the stupid collar on. 

He chuckled at my reaction and pushed me back so I was lying on my back, I cursed at him and tried to squirm away from him but he climbed on top of me and pinned both my hands above my head and leaned in closer so that our faces were inches from each others. 

My breath quickened up and a light blush spread on my face  from how close we were as Wilbur smirked down at me. 

'Quackity~' Wilbur cooed, his words sending tingles down my spine, I turned my head sideways and away from him as my face went a deeper shade of pink.

'Look at me...' He cooed again and I reluctantly turned my head to meet his eye. His light brown orbs had dilated into a dark brown, and he was staring at me with a look I was way too familiar with. 

'W-Wilbur?' I breathed and he smirked again, leaning in closer so that our noses were touching. I tried to back up but he had me pinned under him so that I wouldn't escape. 

All of my courage to defy him was gone, drowning in the thick waters of déjà vu , the way he was acting, was familiar, too familiar. 

A small whimper exited my mouth when his smirk dropped, his eyes dilated to black and he dipped his head down to the crook of my neck.

My heart sped up when he pulled back to look at me, a light blush spreading again from the soft smile he was giving me. 


My eyes widened in shock when he leaned down again to place his lips on mine, I tried to struggle out of his grasp but he had a firm grip on both my wrists and his body pinned mine down. 

I whimpered into his mouth when he bit lightly onto my lips, drawing a bit blood, making my throat burn like hell. He obviously knew that I was struggling to keep my instinct down as he pulled back and smirked at my red orbs as I growled. 

I wasn't going to beg him for blood and it wouldn't turn out well if I bit him either, so I managed to calm down my thirst for blood a bit, enough for my eyes to turn back into their normal dark brown. 

Wilbur leaned back down to kiss me again, and he forced my mouth open with his free hand and tears brimmed my eyes when I realized how powerless I was, with this damned collar on, I couldn't do anything to stop what Wilbur was doing to me, I was completely under his mercy, he could do anything to me and I wouldn't be able to do anything. 

I moaned lightly when his tongues swept over my fangs, I could already see the smirk on his face when he pulled back. 

I turned my head away and averted my eyes and he let me, a few tears trickling down my cheek and onto the couch. 

'Your mine, Quackity... Whether you like it or not...' He whispered and I shivered, he worked from my mouth to my neck, trailing kisses along my jawline slowly, soft moans exiting my mouth.

I whimpered when he kissed and bit lightly onto my neck, creating hickeys in the process. He worked down to my collar bone, pulling my hoodie back while I moaned uncontrollably under him, he pulled back and smirked slightly at me. 


Tears was flowing down my cheek, I was defeated, I had no control of my life anymore, I was Wilbur's to toy with once again. He let go of my hands and got off me. I curled into a ball and I could feel him sit down beside me. 

I sat up and wiped away my tears, I got up to go to the bathroom but before I could take a step, I was pulled back into his embrace and I yelped in surprise. 

I sighed in defeat but I could still feel a thread of hope deep inside me. I couldn't give up now, he had barely done anything to me compared to what I had to endure, just because I have no freedom doesn't mean I should give up. I won't let him win, I will find a way to escape.

I growled and struggled against him, breaking free easily from his grasp since he thought I wasn't going to fight back. I wasn't going down with a fight. 

'Hmm, that spark in you Quackity... I'll make sure to snuff it out again and again until your an obedient little pet.' He smirked and reached for me again but I dodged out of the way before he could snatch me back. 

I ran to the bathroom and shut it behind me. I could hear Wilbur's chuckling behind the door but I ignored it, walking to the toilet and sitting down on it, sighing in frustration. 

I just have to wait until an opportunity comes for me to escape, but it's only a matter of time before that happens. 

I sighed while splashing my face with water, staring myself in the mirror. I had slight bags under my eyes and I look tired as shit, I had thinned down a little, it was barely noticeable and my eyes were dull. 

I sighed again and leaned against the wall, my eyes drifting to the collar on my neck. If only I could get rid of this stupid collar on my neck...

I sighed and slid down to the floor. I closed my eyes and leaned back against the wall, took a deep breath and closed my eyes, not wanting to deal with this any longer. 

I felt a bit weird, my breathing was heavy. The room felt hot and stiff despite me washing my face with cold water and I was a bit dizzy. 

I shook my head in attempt to shake it off but made myself more dizzy. I felt sleepy and dizzy at the same time, I decided I should just have a quick nap to get rid of the dizziness. 

My eyes drooped involuntarily and energy seemed to drain from me, I fell to the ground and knocked over something, sighing as I was dragged back into the abyss of sleep. 

omg help i have writers bloooooock >:(

i hope it'll be gone soon and i'll be back to my usual upload schedule lmao

luv y'all and please vote and or comment, it helps me out a lot :)


word count: 1252 words.

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